Conference Proceeding RDF
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- Near diffraction limited coherent diffractive imaging with tabletop soft x-ray sources
- Near field analysis of laser-generated ultrasound: The effects of thermal diffusion and optical penetration
- Near field modal noise reduction using annealed optical fiber
- Near Field Scans of Tyre mounted Dipoles using a separate Phase Reference Antenna
- Near Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS) to Measure Engineering Cognition during Project Delivery
- Near Time-Optimal Transient Response in DC-DC Buck Converters Taking into Account the Inductor Current Limit
- Near- and Far-Field Properties of High-Temperature Turbulent Buoyant Jets
- Near- and Far-Field Wireless Power Transfer
- Near-field Antenna as a Scanning Microwave Probe for Characterization of Materials and Devices
- Near-field antenna measurements using nonideal measurement locations
- Near-field Capacitive Wireless Power Transfer Array with External Field Cancellation
- Near-field Mapping of Infrared Optical Antennas
- Near-Field Spherical Scanning: Quiet-Zone Field Evaluation
- Near-Field Spherical Scanning: Test-Zone Field Evaluation
- Near-Infrared Camera and Fabry-Perot Spectrometer - NIC-FPS
- Near-infrared Femtosecond Time Lens Diode Laser with kW Peak Powers for Two-Photon Microscopy
- Near-Infrared Ground Plane Cloak Based on Silicon Nanorod Array
- Near-infrared Spectroscopy as a Tool for Modeling Savanna Primate Diets
- Near-Infrared Spectroscopy to Predict Collagen Yield
- Near-real-time global ice concentration from spaceborne passive microwave sensors
- Near-single-cycle long-wave infrared pulses for coherent linear and nonlinear optics
- Near-space and terrestrial models: Current proxies and needs for physical inputs
- Near-threshold H-2 electron and nuclear dynamics induced by attosecond pulse trains and probed by IR pulses
- Nearly Constant Power Tuning Network for Wireless Inductive Power Transfer Systems
- Necklace High Harmonic Generation for Low-Divergence, Soft X-Ray Harmonic Combs with Tunable Line Spacing
- Needle-Free Inhalable Dry Powder Aerosol Measles Vaccine Developed For Pulmonary Delivery With A Puffhaler Dpi
- Negative Permeability Using Arrays of Aperiodic Silver Nanoclusters
- Negotiating coordination within transboundary rivers: The Nile and the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam
- Negotiating Sociotechnical Boundaries: Moderation Work to Counter Racist Atacks in Online Communities