Conference Proceeding RDF
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- A Vision for Technology-Mediated Support for Public Participation & Assistance in Mass Emergencies & Disasters
- A voyage into central Colorado crust: Linking seismic anisotropy and surface geology
- A W-Band Curved Aperture Horn Antenna with Consistent Radiation Patterns
- A W-Band GaN MMIC Continuous 90° Reflective Phase Shifter
- A Walk in Nature: Exploring the Creative Potentials of a Generative Design Tool for Soft Robotic Surfaces that Foster a Connection with Nature
- A Wearable Meter That Actively Monitors the Continuity of E-Textile Circuits as They Are Sewn
- A Wearable Meter That Actively Monitors the Continuity of E-Textile Circuits as They Are Sewn (Short Paper Poster)
- A web accessibility report card for top international university web sites
- A whole-brain atlas of genetic effects on psychiatric symptomology
- A Wide-Band Spiral Based Amplitude-Only Azimuth Direction Finding System
- A wideband microwave airborne imaging system for hydrological studies
- A wind turbine wake in changing atmospheric conditions: LES and lidar measurements
- A window into the brain: Advances in super-resolution microscopy
- A wireless ultrasonic guided wave structural health monitoring system for aircraft wing inspection
- A world in crisis: Proceedings of the 27th international public relations symposium
- A world in crisis: The role of public relations
- A Zeno Story
- A zero voltage switching single-phase inverter using hybrid pulse-width modulation technique
- A Zero-Bias, Completely Passive 28 THz Rectenna for Energy Harvesting from Infrared (Waste Heat)
- a-Si : H/a-SiOx : H microcavities with a-Si(Er): H active layer
- A. Cyberspace Meets Brick and Mortar: Finding the Sweet Spot between Cyberlearning and Traditional Instruction
- Ab initio band-diagram framework for the development of cation intercalation charge storage materials
- Ab initio based rovibrational grouping model for N2(1Σ+ g)-N2(1Σ+ g) energy transfer and dissociation
- Ab initio design of organic catalysts and photocatalysts
- Ab initio study of adsorption and decomposition of NH3 on Si(100)-(2x1).
- Ab initio study of multiple exiton generation (MEG) in quantum dots
- Ab-initio modeling and experimental demonstration of metal oxides for solar thermochemical water splitting
- ABC and 3D
- Ability plus Motivation: Understanding Factors that Influence People with Cognitive Disabilities in Regularly Practicing Daily Activities