Conference Proceeding RDF
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- Scalable adaptive wireless powering of multiple electronic devices in an over-moded cavity
- Scalable analysis of linear systems using mathematical programming
- Scalable and precise program analysis at NEC.
- Scalable and Timely Detection of Cyberbullying in Online Social Networks
- Scalable Classifiers for Internet Vision Tasks
- Scalable control of distributed robotic macrosensors
- Scalable Decentralized Partial State Estimation with Sensor Uncertainties Using Factorized Data Fusion
- Scalable entanglement of trapped ions
- Scalable Event-Triggered Data Fusion for Autonomous Cooperative Swarm Localization
- Scalable Game Design and the Development of a Checklist for Getting Computational Thinking into Public Schools
- Scalable Implicit Finite Element Solver for Massively Parallel Processing with Demonstration to 160K cores
- Scalable parallel algorithms for boundary control of thermally convective flows
- Scalable parallel algorithms for multi-component problems
- Scalable parallel I/O alternatives for massively parallel partitioned solver systems
- Scalable Solvers for Cone Complementarity Problems in Frictional Multibody Dynamics
- Scalable tiled silicon-photonic 2D wavelength-steered optical beam LIDAR apertures (Conference Presentation)
- SCALABLE: Self-Calibrated Adaptive LIDAR Aperture Beamsteering Light Engine
- Scale-Specific Metrics for Adaptive Generalization and Geomorphic Classification of Stream Features
- Scaling a system of professional learning for formative assessment co-design: The Aspire Project
- Scaling Analysis of Temperature Variability Between a Rotating Cylinder and a Turbulent Buoyant Jet
- Scaling and demographic issues in global change research: The Great Plains, 1880-1990
- Scaling down an insect-size microrobot, HAMR-VI into HAMR-Jr
- Scaling Forces to the Asteroid Surface: The role of cohesion
- Scaling Hardware Accelerated Network Monitoring to Concurrent and Dynamic Queries With *Flow
- Scaling of sexual size dimorphism in thick-tailed galagos (Otolemur crassicaudatus)
- Scaling Potential of 10nm Nanowire FET for Enhancing Gate Control
- Scaling Up or Scale-making? Examining Sociocultural Factors in a New Model for Engineering Mathematics Education
- Scaling Up Writing in the Curriculum: Batch Mode Active Learning for Automated Essay Scoring
- Scared to go to school? Gangs and fear of victimization on school grounds