Conference Proceeding RDF
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- Wide-range microwave frequency synthesis using an offset passive resonator
- Wideband 15–50GHz symmetric multi-section coupled line quadrature hybrid based on surface micromachining technology
- Wideband all-optical BEAMTAP
- Wideband Amplitude-Only Direction Finding Subsystem with Conical Spirals
- Wideband Analog and Digital Beamforming
- Wideband Bi-static Offset-Fed Reflector Simultaneous Transmit And Receive Antenna System
- Wideband Dual-Mode Monostatic Simultaneous Transmit and Receive Antenna System
- Wideband Dual-Polarized Bi-Static Simultaneous Transmit and Receive Antenna System
- Wideband High-Efficiency Digital Power Amplifier in GaN
- Wideband Miniaturized Dual-Polarized TEM Horn
- Wideband mm-Wave Log-Periodic Antennas
- Wideband Monostatic Spiral Array for Full-Duplex Applications
- Wideband Multibeam Millimeter Wave Arrays
- Wideband Phase Modulator MMIC for K-Band Supply-Modulated Power Amplifier Linearization
- Wideband Simultaneous Transmit and Receive (STAR) Bi-Layer Circular Array
- Wideband Simultaneous Transmit and Receive (STAR) Circular Array System
- Wideband Spectrum Sensing and Direction Finding Antenna Subsystem
- Wideband Spectrum Sensing and Direction Finding Antenna Subsystem
- Wideband, Loaded, Low Profile, Small Diameter Monocone Antenna
- Widefield fluorescence optical sectioning microscopy in a miniature fiber-coupled microscope with active axial scanning
- Widely tunable cavity-enhanced ultrafast spectroscopy
- WiFi Localization Experiments with an Unmanned Aircraft
- WiFit: Ubiquitous Bodyweight Exercise Monitoring with Commodity Wi-Fi Devices
- Wii All Play: The Console Game as a Computational Meeting Place
- WikiFolders: Augmenting the Display of Folders to Better Convey the Meaning of Files
- WikiPossessions: Possession timeline generation as an evaluation benchmark for machine reading comprehension of long texts
- WildAR: Creating a networked AR system for "in-the-wild" studies
- Wildfire in the West: Characterizing Spatial Trends in Post-Disturbance Hydrologic and Sediment Response at the Watershed Scale
- Wildfires in the West: Characterizing Drivers of Post-Disturbance Hydrologic and Sediment Response through Laboratory Analysis
- Will it stick?