'A two-dimensional framework for evaluataing teachers' technology adoption.'
'Alien Spirits': The Unity of Lovelace and Clarissa
'Alte Liebe' and the Birds of Spring: Text, Music, and Image in Max Klinger's 'Brahms Fantasy'
'Amber Does Not Shed So Sweet a Perfume as the Veriest Trifles Touched by Those We Love': Engaging with Community through Things in Bernardin de St. Pierre's Paul et Virginie and Alphonse de Lamartine's Graziella
'Belebte Schraube ohne Ende.' Zur Vorgeschichte der Doppelhelix
‘Belgium Is an Industrialist’: Pride and Exploitation in the Black Country, 1850–1900
'Beyond Shallow and Silence: war in the age of Shakespeare'
‘Body’ and the relationship between verb and participants
'Changing her gown and setting her head to rights': New Shops, New Hats and New Identities
'Cunningly Hidden': Invisible and Forgotten Relics in the Romanesque Work of Art
’De rebus gestis Ferdinandi Cortesii’ y ’La conquista de México’: Algunas reflexiones en torno a la metodología histórica de Francisco López de Gómara
'Educational Recommendation in an Informal Intentional Learning System.'
'Eine ungeheure Kluft': Nietzsche, die Geburt der Tragödie und das Mass in der Dichtung
‘For the trees have no tongues’: eco-feedback, speech, and the silencing of nature
'For Their and Our Security': Jurisdictional Identity and the Performance of the 'Poor Indian' on Deer Island
'Gott als Schriftsteller': Herder and the Hermeneutic Tradition
'I Don’t Think a Cop Has Ever Asked Me if I Was OK’: Battered Women’s Experiences with Police Intervention.
'I Just Need to Ask Somebody Some Questions': Sensitivities in Domestic Dispute Calls
‘Infiltrating Julian History: Anna Perenna at Lavinium and Bovillae’,
'Intense-field many-body S-matrix theory' and mechanism of laser induced double ionization of helium
'It's Rather Like Embracing a Textbook': The Linguistic Representation of the Female Psychoanalyst in American Film
'Las ruinas circulares': Borges y el mito de la autoría
'Launched upon the sea of moral and political inquiry': The Ethical Experiments of the Romantic Novel
'Like droppes of colde water caste into the flame': Lord Henry Howard's notes on the fall of the earl of Essex
'Military and chivalric culture'
’Mine Eye Hath Play��d the Painter’: Pasternak’s ’Ne Trogat’ and the Conventions of the Renaissance Love Lyric
‘Not a Normal Wife:’ Marrying Aberrance and Activism in Indonesia
’Off-Time Labor’ in Resorts: The Social Construction of “Commercial” Time
'Onely imagined': Vernacular Community and the English Press
'Pleasure Is Now, and Ought to Be, Your Business': Stealing Sexuality in Jane Austen's Juvenilia