Voicing Diasporas: Ethnic Radio in Paris and Berlin Between Cultural Renewal and Retention
Volcanic activity and human ecology
Volcanoes of the Antarctic plate and southern oceans
Vortex Methods and Vortex Motion
W Stands for Women
W.E.B. Du Bois and the Problems of the Twenty-First Century: An Essay on Africana Critical Theory
W.E.B. Du Bois: A Critical Reader
War and Rural Life in the Early Modern Low Countries
War and the media essays on news reporting, propaganda and popular culture
War for Eternity Inside Bannon's Far-right Circle of Global Power Brokers
War, Peace, and Alliance in Demosthenes' Athens
Water and Climate in the Western United States
Wave Propagation in Linear and Nonlinear Periodic Media Analysis and Applications
Wavelets and their applications
Wavelets in Signal and Image Analysis From Theory to Practice
Weaponizing Maps Indigenous Peoples and Counterinsurgency in the Americas
Weatherization and Energy Efficiency Improvement for Existing Homes An Engineering Approach
Weird Westerns: Race, Gender, Genre
Wendat Women's Arts
West Side Story As Cinema
Wetlands Explained
Wetlands Explained: Wetland Science, Policy, and Politics in America
Wetlands: Characteristics and Boundaries
Whale Aria
Whales, Whaling, and Ocean Ecosystems
What Did the Old Poor Law Really Accomplish?: A Redux
What Do Corporations Want? Communicative Capitalism, Corporate Purpose, and a New Theory of the Firm
What Is a Family? Answers from Early Modern Japan