research overview Dr. McConkey is retired. He maintains an active interest in human molecular evolution, especially in trying to understand the genetic basis for human uniqueness.
selected publications journal article Thoughts on the future of great ape research. Science. 1499-1501. 2005 Hobart Muir Smith. Copeia. 418-424. 2004 Inversion, duplication, and changes in gene context are associated with human chromosome 18 evolution. Genomics. 493-501. 2004 Inversion, duplication, and changes in gene context are associated with human chromosome 18 evolution.. Genomics. 493-501. 2004 Orthologous numbering of great ape and human chromosomes is essential for comparative genomics. Cytogenetic and Genome Research. 157-158. 2004 A project on gene expression during primate development is urgently needed. Trends in Genetics. 446-446. 2002 Examining priorities for a primate genome project - Response. Science. 1505-1505. 2000 A primate Genome Project deserves high priority. Science. 1295-1296. 2000 Proposal for a human genome evolution project. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 1-4. 2000 A Human Genome Evolution Project is needed. Trends in Genetics. 350-351. 1997 The origin of human chromosome 18 from a human/ape ancestor. Cytogenetic and Genome Research. 189-191. 1997 Assignment of the gene for beta-casein (CSN2) to 4q13->q21 in humans and 3p13->p12 in chimpanzees. Cytogenetic and Genome Research. 60-62. 1996 DOUBLE-LABEL AUTORADIOGRAPHY REVISITED .1. THE H-3 AND S-35-SYSTEM. Electrophoresis. 230-232. 1984 DOUBLE-LABEL AUTORADIOGRAPHY REVISITED .2. THE S-35 AND SE-75-SYSTEM. Electrophoresis. 233-235. 1984 S6 PHOSPHORYLATION ACCOMPANIES RECRUITMENT OF RIBOSOMES AND MESSENGER-RNA INTO POLYSOMES IN RESPONSE TO DICHLORORIBOFURANOSYL BENZIMIDAZOLE. Experimental Cell Research. 520-527. 1984 HOW MANY PROTEINS ARE THERE IN A TYPICAL MAMMALIAN-CELL. Clinical Chemistry (Washington, DC): international journal of molecular diagnostics and laboratory medicine. 749-755. 1982 MOLECULAR EVOLUTION, INTRACELLULAR ORGANIZATION, AND THE QUINARY STRUCTURE OF PROTEINS. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of USA. 3236-3240. 1982 PREFERENTIAL UTILIZATION OF PHOSPHORYLATED 40-S RIBOSOMAL-SUBUNITS DURING INITIATION COMPLEX-FORMATION. The Federation of European Biochemical Societies (FEBS) Journal. 535-538. 1982 RAPID ALTERATIONS IN INITIATION RATE AND RECRUITMENT OF INACTIVE RNA ARE TEMPORALLY CORRELATED WITH S6 PHOSPHORYLATION. The Federation of European Biochemical Societies (FEBS) Journal. 539-544. 1982 HELA RIBOSOMAL PROTEIN-S6 - INSULIN AND DIBUTYRYL-CYCLIC-AMP AFFECT DIFFERENT PHOSPHOPEPTIDES. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 583-585. 1981 IDENTIFICATION OF HOMOLOGOUS RIBOSOMAL-PROTEINS IN HELA-CELLS AND IN TETRAHYMENA-PYRIFORMIS - A STUDY OF PROTEINS BINDING 5-S RNA AND ACIDIC PROTEINS RELEASED FROM 40-S SUBUNITS BY EDTA. The Federation of European Biochemical Societies (FEBS) Journal. 397-402. 1981 PHOSPHORYLATION OF RIBOSOMAL-PROTEIN S6 - RELATIONSHIP TO PROTEIN-SYNTHESIS IN HELA-CELLS. The Federation of European Biochemical Societies (FEBS) Journal. 523-527. 1981 PHOSPHORYLATION OF RIBOSOMAL-PROTEIN S6 ENHANCES RIBOSOME ACTIVITY IN HELA-CELLS. The Journal of Cell Biology. A374-A374. 1981 SILVER STAINS FOR PROTEINS IN POLYACRYLAMIDE GELS - A COMPARISON OF 6 METHODS. Electrophoresis. 304-307. 1981 VIMENTIN-DERIVED PROTEINS - DIFFERENCES BETWEEN NORMAL HUMAN-FIBROBLASTS AND TRANSFORMED HUMAN-CELLS. Experimental Cell Research. 355-362. 1981 CONTROL OF RIBOSOMAL-PROTEIN PHOSPHORYLATION IN HELA-CELLS. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 917-923. 1980 DEFICIENCY OF VIMENTIN-ASSOCIATED PROTEINS IN HELA-CELLS AND IN A VIRALLY-TRANSFORMED FIBROBLAST LINE. The Journal of Cell Biology. A178-A178. 1980 EVIDENCE FOR CONTROL OF PROTEIN-SYNTHESIS IN HELA-CELLS VIA THE ELONGATION RATE. Journal of Cellular Physiology. 269-281. 1980 IDENTIFICATION OF HUMAN-GENE PRODUCTS FROM HYBRID-CELLS - NEW APPROACH. Somatic cell genetics. 139-147. 1980 DOUBLE-LABEL AUTO-RADIOGRAPHY FOR COMPARISON OF COMPLEX PROTEIN MIXTURES AFTER GEL-ELECTROPHORESIS. Analytical Biochemistry. 39-44. 1979 GENE-PRODUCTS OF SPECIFIC CHROMOSOMES - NEW APPROACH. American Journal of Human Genetics. A54-A54. 1979 HUMAN HETEROZYGOSITY - NEW ESTIMATE. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of USA. 6500-6504. 1979 PROPOSED UNIFORM NOMENCLATURE FOR MAMMALIAN RIBOSOMAL-PROTEINS. Molecular Genetics and Genomics: an international journal. 1-6. 1979 CROSSLINKING OF PROTEINS TO RIBOSOMAL-RNA IN HELA-CELL POLYSOMES BY SODIUM PERIODATE. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 1145-1152. 1978 MESSAGE SEQUENCES ARE NOT ADJACENT TO POLY(A) IN HETEROGENEOUS NUCLEAR-RNA OF FRIEND LEUKEMIC-CELLS. The Federation of European Biochemical Societies (FEBS) Journal. 397-404. 1978 RIBOSOMAL-PROTEIN PHOSPHORYLATION AND CONTROL OF CELL-GROWTH. Journal of supramolecular structure. 287-287. 1978 PHOSPHORYLATION OF RIBOSOMAL PROTEIN-S6 IN SUSPENSION CULTURED HELA-CELLS. Molecular Genetics and Genomics: an international journal. 223-230. 1977 EXCHANGE AND STABILITY OF HELA RIBOSOMAL-PROTEINS INVIVO. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2867-2875. 1976 NON-HISTONE CHROMOSOMAL-PROTEINS FROM HELA-CELLS - SURVEY BY HIGH-RESOLUTION, 2-DIMENSIONAL ELECTROPHORESIS. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 548-554. 1976 PROTEINS OF FRIEND LEUKEMIA-CELLS - COMPARISON OF HEMOGLOBIN-SYNTHESIZING AND NON-INDUCED POPULATIONS. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 555-558. 1976 RELATIVE STOICHIOMETRY OF RIBOSOMAL-PROTEINS IN HELA-CELL NUCLEOLI. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2876-2881. 1976 EVIDENCE FOR HETEROGENEITY OF RIBOSOMES WITHIN HELA-CELL. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 1311-1318. 1975 RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN NUCLEAR AND CYTOPLASMIC POLY(ADENYLIC ACID). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of USA. 3580-3584. 1975