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Publications in VIVO

Wiener, John D



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research overview

  • John D. Wiener, J.D., Ph.D., is interested in research and research applications in agricultural water management, water law and policy, and Indigenous People’s resource management and governance, and natural hazard mitigation. The common thread is the relationships between resource ownership and cultural and institutional issues affecting adoption or acceptance of innovations, including natural hazard mitigation. This has led to work in common property resource governance, focusing on the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act versus subsistence and cultural continuity. Subsequently, work with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration focused on climate information applications for water management. That led to work on property rights and security issues in agricultural conservation, including water law and water transfers, with the Ditch and Reservoir Company Alliance.


  • Sustainability of irrigated agriculture, agricultural conservation, climate impacts, water management planning processes, climate impacts on Native Americans/Indigenous Peoples


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