research overview Professor Bruff's research is focused on the relationship between separation of powers law and American history.
selected publications book Bad advice: Bush's lawyers in the war on terror 2009 Balance of Forces Separation of Powers Law in the Administrative State 2006 Separation of powers law: cases and materials 1996 The administrative process 4th ed; 1993 chapter The Story of Dames & Moore 2009 The Availability of Judicial Review 2005 journal article The incompatibility principle. Administrative Law Review. 225-268. 2007 Executive Power And The Public Lands.. University of Colorado law review. University of Colorado (Boulder campus). School of Law. 503-519. 2005 Congressional Process Symposium /. Administrative Law Review. 39-137. 1996 That the laws shall bind equally on all: congressional and executive roles in applying laws to Congress.. Arkansas law review. 105-159. 1995 The Federalist Papers: the framers construct an orrery.. Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy. 7-12. 1993 Can Buckley {Buckley v. Valeo, 96 S. Ct. 612 (1976)} clear customs?. Washington and Lee law review. 1309-1314. 1992 Coordinating judicial review in administrative law.. UCLA law review. University of California, Los Angeles. School of Law. 1193-1248. 1992 Specialized courts in administrative law.. Administrative Law Review. 329-366. 1991 Separation of powers under the Texas Constitution.. Texas law review. 1337-1367. 1990 Public programs, private deciders: the constitutionality of arbitration in federal programs.. Texas law review. 441-497. 1989 Presidential management of agency rulemaking.. The George Washington law review. 533-595. 1989 Independent counsel and the constitution.. Willamette law review. 539-563. 1988 On the constitutional status of the administrative agencies.. The American University law review. 491-517. 1987 Legislative formality, administrative rationality.. Texas law review. 207-250. 1984 Judicial review and the President's statutory powers.. Virginia law review. 1-61. 1982 ... more