selected publications chapter Sensory Extension as a Tool for Cognitive Learning. 72-83. 2015 Textile Messages 2013 The Developing Scientist as Craftsperson. 259-281. 1999 conference proceeding Physical Computing with Paper Playground: Exploring a Multimodal Platform. 1-7. 2025 Insights from Youth Co-designers on Remote Multimodal Prototyping with Paper Playground. 818-822. 2024 Investigating Sensory Extensions as Input for Interactive Simulations. 1-7. 2023 The ThreadBoard: Designing an E-Textile Rapid Prototyping Board 2021 A Software Debugger for E-textiles and Arduino (Short Paper Poster) 2020 A Wearable Meter That Actively Monitors the Continuity of E-Textile Circuits as They Are Sewn (Short Paper Poster) 2020 A Software Debugger for E-textiles and Arduino Microcontrollers. 118-121. 2020 A Wearable Meter That Actively Monitors the Continuity of E-Textile Circuits as They Are SewnA Wearable Meter That Actively Monitors the Continuity of E-Textile Circuits as They Are Sewn. 114-117. 2020 Invisibility considered harmful: Revisiting traditional principles of ubiquitous computing in the context of education. 103-+. 2006 The homespun museum. 13-13. 2005 As we may print. 31-39. 2003 Helping users think in three dimensions. 113-120. 1997 journal article Shop Class for the Next Millenium: Education through Computer-Enriched Handicrafts. Journal of Interactive Media in Education. 8-8. 1998 Orihedra: Mathematical sculptures in paper. International Journal of Computers for Mathematical Learning. 225-261. 1997 Polyhedral sculpture. 30-40. 1997