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  • Contact Info

England, Ann



Research Areas research areas



  • criminal defense, practice advocacy, ethics, trial skills, comparative criminal law


courses taught

  • LAWS 6079 - Criminal Defense Clinic
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2018 / Fall 2018 / Spring 2019 / Fall 2019 / Spring 2020 / Fall 2020 / Spring 2021 / Fall 2021 / Spring 2022 / Fall 2022 / Spring 2023 / Fall 2023 / Spring 2024
    Provides thorough grounding in problems of criminal defense. Students defend indigent misdemeanants. Develops working knowledge of courtroom skills, advocacy and evidence presentation. Concludes with full mock trial.
  • LAWS 6109 - Trial Advocacy
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2018 / Spring 2019 / Spring 2020 / Spring 2021 / Spring 2022 / Spring 2023 / Spring 2024
    Focuses on voir dire, opening statement, direct examination of witnesses and cross examination.
  • LAWS 7019 - Advanced Clinical Practicum
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2018 / Summer 2018 / Spring 2019 / Fall 2019 / Summer 2020 / Fall 2020 / Spring 2021 / Fall 2021 / Spring 2022 / Fall 2022 / Spring 2024
    Enables a clinical student an optional 1-3 credits to complete advanced legal work in the Clinical Education Program. Course must follow enrollment in an existing clinical offering already successfully completed. Permission of the appropriate clinical faculty member required. For each credit taken, a clinical student must complete a minimum of 50 hours of legal work, all of which shall be graded pass/graded. A clinical student may complete 1-3 credits of work over the course of no more than two semesters. A clinical student may earn no more than 3 credits total over the student's law school career.
  • LAWS 7023 - Jury Selection and History
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2018 / Spring 2019 / Fall 2020
    Studies the history of the jury from ancient times through the implications of Apprendi, the grand jury from the time of Henry II through modern federal practice, and current jury selection procedures, both federal and Colorado, both civil and criminal. Experienced trial attorneys will work with students to demonstrate jury selection.
  • LAWS 7079 - Wrongful Convictions
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2022
    Focuses on the issues and remedies in cases of people who have been convicted, whose traditional appellate remedies have been exhausted, and who continue to claim actual innocence. Preference given to those who have taken or are taking more criminal procedure courses.
  • LAWS 7145 - Comparative Family Law
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2019
    Examines and critiques law, legal institutions and traditions of the country of focus and the US as they affect children, families, and work. Enhances research and writing skills, including field and international research. Contributes to host country through scholarship and service. Increases cultural competence through active engagement with peers and with social justice issues in another country. Includes required field study component and service learning project over spring break.
  • LAWS 7515 - Poverty Law
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2021 / Spring 2024
    Explores the legal and policy responses to poverty in the United States and addresses how the law shapes the lives of poor people and communities. Examines the extent of poverty in the United States, the root causes and the historical development of social welfare policy. Focuses on the rights-based aspect of poverty law and various policies that attempt to ameliorate poverty.


International Activities