Dr. Bernstein's research program aims to unite theoretical and methodological approaches from the fields of anthropology, nutrition, and physiology to understand variation in human growth and development within an evolutionary, adaptive, and applied framework.
growth and development, endocrinology, maternal-infant physiology, global health, life history evolution, lactation biology and breastfeeding, professional development and mentoring
ANTH 2020 - Human Biological Variation and Adaptation
Primary Instructor
Spring 2018 / Summer 2018 / Spring 2019 / Summer 2019 / Spring 2021 / Spring 2024
Introduction to human biology, variation, and adaptation. Explores humans as a species through an understanding of biological variation and adaptation. Recommended prerequisite: ANTH 2010.
ANTH 2040 - Laboratory in Human Biological Variation and Adaptation
Primary Instructor
Spring 2019 / Spring 2021
Experiments and hands-on exercises designed to enhance understanding of human genetics, anatomy, and function of the principles and concepts presented in ANTH 2020. One two-hour class per week. Recommended corequisite: ANTH 2020.
ANTH 3010 - The Human Animal
Primary Instructor
Summer 2024
Identifies genetic, anatomical, physiological, social, and behavioral characteristics humans share with other mammals and primates. Explores how these characteristics are influenced by modern culture. Recommended prerequisite: ANTH 2010.
ANTH 4120 - Advanced Biological Anthropology
Primary Instructor
Fall 2023 / Spring 2024 / Fall 2024
Selected topics in physical anthropology emphasizing faculty specialties. Topics may include population genetics and its application to understanding modern human diversity, human population biology, and primate ecology and evolution. Check with department for semester offerings. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Same as ANTH 5120. Recommended prerequisite: ANTH 2010 or ANTH 2020 or EBIO 1210 or EBIO 1220.
ANTH 7020 - Seminar: Biological Anthropology
Primary Instructor
Fall 2020
In-depth discussion of selected topics in physical anthropology with emphasis on recent research. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours.
ANTH 7620 - Seminar: Ethnography and Cultural Theory
Primary Instructor
Spring 2019
Explores how ethnographic writing has evolved over the past century to incorporate different forms of cross-cultural representation and to accommodate new theoretical paradigms. Includes ethnographic authority and reflexivity, as well as embedded theories and blurred genres of cultural research.