Rachel Rinaldo is a cultural sociologist interested in how globalization and modernity influence sex and gender, especially in developing countries and Muslim societies. Her first book Mobilizing Piety: Islam and Feminism in Indonesia is an ethnographic study of women activists in the country with the world's largest Muslim population. She examines how different groups of activists engage with global discourses of Islam and feminism, and argues that new forms of agency and subjectivity are emerging as activists both draw on and transform these frameworks. She has done research on marriage and divorce in urbanizing Java, the contemporary art scene in Southeast Asia, and how the COVID-19 pandemic affected working mothers in the Boulder/Denver area. In 2022-2023 she was a Fulbright Scholar in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. She is currently working on a book about women, work, and family in Indonesia.
sociology, sex and gender, globalization, southeast asia, ethnography and qualitative research, religion, Islam, social change, indonesia
ASIA 4930 - Engage Asia: Internship in Asian Studies
Primary Instructor
Summer 2021
Matches students with supervised internships relevant to academic topics in Asian studies. Students work with CAS faculty and internship supervisors, i.e., intern with companies or non-profits doing Asia-related business or project. May be repeated up to 6 total credits. Recommended requisite: Asian language and culture courses.
SOCY 3001 - Classical Theory
Primary Instructor
Spring 2018 / Fall 2018
In-depth study of classical sociological theorists, particularly Marx, Durkheim, and Weber. Examines their roles in defining the discipline of sociology.
SOCY 3012 - Gender and Development
Primary Instructor
Fall 2020 / Fall 2023 / Fall 2024
Provides a sociological perspective on gender, globalization, and economic development in the Global South. Examines a variety of topics, including feminist theories of development; poverty and inequality; women�s work in the context of globalization; and women�s activism and feminism(s). Recommended prerequisite: SOCY 3001. Same as WGST 3012.
SOCY 3046 - Topics in Sex and Gender
Primary Instructor
Spring 2019
Faculty present courses based on their area of expertise and specialization in the field of sex and gender. Students should check current sociology department notices of course offerings for specific topics. May be repeated up to 9 total credit hours for different topics. Same as WGST 3046.
SOCY 5181 - Logics of Qualitative Inquiry
Primary Instructor
Fall 2018 / Spring 2021
A required first-year seminar that introduces the logics of qualitative inquiry in sociology. Introduces the history of qualitative epistemology. Considers the logic of common qualitative methodologies and qualitative research representations. Engages with the logics of inquiry in classic and more recent well regarded qualitative sociological works.
SOCY 6041 - Cultural Sociology
Primary Instructor
Spring 2019 / Fall 2021
Explores "the cultural turn" in sociology and related disciplines. Reviews basic themes in cultural studies: distinguishing "cultural" and "social"; narrative as catalyst between symbols and practices; cultural production processes; self as embodied; culture and power; methods and epistemological issues. Students present their own projects in class and as research papers.
SOCY 6821 - Graduate Sociology Forum 1
Primary Instructor
Fall 2020 / Spring 2021
Introduces first-year graduate students to the full range of substantive topics, research programs, and other projects in which graduate sociology faculty are engaged. Provides a forum in which issues of the discipline are presented and discussed. Features weekly presentations by graduate sociology faculty.
SOCY 7006 - Sociology of Sex and Gender
Primary Instructor
Fall 2019 / Spring 2022 / Spring 2024
Theoretical and empirical examination of sex stratification, sex role differentiation, and sex differences in socialization, personality, institutions, and culture.
SOCY 7141 - Third-year Paper Seminar
Primary Instructor
Fall 2019 / Fall 2020
Guides graduate students through the creation of the required third-year paper and helps establish productive writing habits. Includes assigned readings, discussion, peer review, and specific tasks related to scholarly writing. Students will revise and defend the paper during the semester following the seminar. Department enforced prereqs., SOCY 5111 and SOCY 5201.