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Publications in VIVO

Alomar, Maisam A

Assistant Professor


Research Areas research areas



  • race and gender, medicine and disability, science and technology studies, law and social structures



courses taught

  • ARSC 1480 - MASP Social Science Seminar
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2018
    Fosters an appreciation of the social sciences. Readings, discussions, cooperative learning exercises, and outside activities illustrate the interconnections between different bodies of knowledge. Emphasizes relationships between the social sciences and the real world. Department consent required. May be repeated up to 4 total credit hours.
  • ARSC 1490 - MASP Humanities Seminar
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2019
    Enhances students' knowledge and appreciation of the humanities. Readings, discussions, cooperative learning exercises, workshopping papers and presentation, guest speakers, and outside activities are designed to enhance both students' appreciation of the subject matter and their performance in their regular courses. Emphasis is on actively using knowledge of humanities in a variety of ways. Department consent required. May be repeated up to 4 total credit hours.
  • WGST 2000 - Introduction to US Gender, Race and Sexuality Studies
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2019 / Fall 2019 / Fall 2020 / Spring 2023
    Introduces students to the field of Women and Gender Studies. Examines gender issues in the United States from interdisciplinary, intersectional and transnational feminist perspectives across a range of US cultural contexts. Covers such topics as gender identity and performance, sexuality, reproductive justice, gendered violence, work and labor, imperialism and war, and the environment.
  • WGST 2500 - Gender, Race, Sex and the Body
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2018
    Studies the body as a site for the production of social difference, meaning and inequality. Focuses on the body as a conduit for political, social, and ethical dilemmas and conflicts. Examines a selection of these issues to help students understand what a body is, how bodily difference is constructed, and what this constructed difference signifies.
  • WGST 3020 - Feminist Methods of Inquiry and Praxis
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2022 / Spring 2024
    Examines various research methods and approaches in the field of feminist studies. Students will gain practical experience to be able to write a proposal for a significant research project, informed by course readings and discussions. Recommended prerequisite: WGST 2000 or WGST 2600.
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