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Publications in VIVO

McCarroll, Meghan

Assistant Teaching Professor


Research Areas research areas


research overview

  • Water literacy, or community water knowledge, attitudes and behaviors, is a concept of increasing importance for water managers around the world. Supply-focused paradigms that aimed to capture, control, and commodify water resources are increasingly unreliable and often depend on environmentally and socially damaging practices. Particularly in drought-prone regions, water managers stretch limited water resources using equitable water policies, conservation programs, and alternative water sourcing, the success of which relies in varying degrees on a water literate citizenry. Communities with higher water literacies are better prepared to understand drought needs and uptake water conservation practices. Moreso, water managers who engage their communities with water literacy benefit from the transparency, perceived trustworthiness, and ability to identify and address local water injustices. My research is therefore focused on understanding how drought management paradigms contribute to or detract from community water literacy. I have researched this through case studies in Cape Town, South Africa, and Colorado, USA.


  • water literacy, sustainable water management, drought management



courses taught

  • ENVM 5018 - The Scientific Basis of Environmental Change
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2024 / Fall 2024
    Provides an overview of the science that underlies some of the most complicated global environmental challenges we face today. These include topics such as climate change, air quality, land management, agriculture, biodiversity loss and conservation, as well as the underlying biogeochemical, hydrologic, and ecological processes that are critical for understanding the changing environment. Previously offered as a special topics course. Recommended prerequisite of department consent for Professional Master's in Global Engineering and Hazard Resilience (PMP) students.
  • ENVM 5023 - GIS for Sustainability Professionals
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2024
    Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are increasingly important for tackling environmental change and sustainability challenges. This introductory course in GIS will provide a broad foundation of spatial thinking and geo-technologies. We will consider spatial data, learn about real-world applications of GIS within the field of sustainability, and work through hands-on exercises in ArcGIS Online and QGIS to build confidence utilizing such software in your future careers. A personal laptop is required; prior GIS experience is not. Formerly offered as a special topics course.
  • ENVM 6100 - Special Topics for Master of the Environment Program
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2023
    A variety of topics not currently offered in curriculum; offered depending on instructor availability and student demand. May be repeated up to 18 total credit hours.