publication venue for
- Medium-scale traveling ionospheric disturbances created by primary gravity waves generated by a winter storm 2024
- Advancements in solar spectral irradiance measurements by the TSIS-1 spectral irradiance monitor and its role for long-term data continuity 2024
- Storm time neutral density assimilation in the thermosphere ionosphere with TIDA 2022
- Space Weather research in the Digital Age and across the full data lifecycle: Introduction to the Topical Issue PREFACE 2021
- Timelines as a tool for learning about space weather storms 2021
- SunCET: The Sun Coronal Ejection Tracker Concept 2021
- Thermosphere modeling capabilities assessment: geomagnetic storms 2021
- On a limitation of Zeeman polarimetry and imperfect instrumentation in representing solar magnetic fields with weaker polarization signal 2021
- Inferring depth-dependent plasma motions from surface observations using the DeepVel neural network 2021
- Ensemble forecasting of major solar flares: methods for combining models 2020
- On-orbit calibration of geostationary electron and proton flux observations for augmentation of an existing empirical radiation model 2020
- Very high energy proton peak flux model 2020
- Leveraging the mathematics of shape for solar magnetic eruption prediction 2020
- The GOES-R EUVS model for EUV irradiance variability 2019
- Real-time solar image classification: Assessing spectral, pixel-based approaches 2019
- Verification of real-time WSA-ENLIL plus Cone simulations of CME arrival-time at the CCMC from 2010 to 2016 2018
- A time dependent relation between EUV solar flare light-curves from lines with differing formation temperatures 2017
- The Maunder minimum and the Little Ice Age: an update from recent reconstructions and climate simulations 2017
- Climate responses to SATIRE and SIM-based spectral solar forcing in a 3D atmosphere-ocean coupled GCM 2017
- Where does Earth's atmosphere get its energy? 2017
- Magnitudes and timescales of total solar irradiance variability 2016
- Modeling the ionosphere-thermosphere response to a geomagnetic storm using physics-based magnetospheric energy input: OpenGGCM-CTIM results 2016
- Solar Spectral Proxy Irradiance from GOES (SSPRING): a model for solar EUV irradiance 2016
- An assessment of the solar irradiance record for climate studies 2014
- Comparison of Magnesium II core-to-wing ratio observations during solar minimum 23/24 2014