publication venue for
- Harmonic analysis on the positive rationals: computation of character sums 2023
- Coxeter group actions and limits of hypergeometric series 2020
- Relations among complementary and supplementary pairings of Saalschutzian F-4(3)(1) series 2016
- Central limit theorems for classical cusp forms 2015
- Corrigendum: central limit theorems for classical cusp forms 2015
- A central limit theorem for Ramanujan's tau function 2012
- Coxeter group actions on F-4(3)(1) hypergeometric series 2011
- Monotone additive functions on shifted primes 2008
- Primes in progressions to moduli with a large power factor 2007
- More primes and polynomials 2003
- On products of shifted primes 1998
- Products of shifted primes. Multiplicative analogues of Goldbach’s problems. II 1998