publication venue for
- Effects of Stray Magnetic Field on Transition-Edge Sensors in Gamma-Ray Microcalorimeters 2024
- Sensitivity Modeling for LiteBIRD 2023
- Optical Characterization of OMT-Coupled TES Bolometers for LiteBIRD 2022
- X-ray Spectroscopy of Muonic Atoms Isolated in Vacuum with Transition Edge Sensors 2020
- Deployment of Polarbear-2A 2020
- Development of Flat Silicon-Based Mesh Lens Arrays for Millimeter and Sub-millimeter Wave Astronomy 2020
- Updated Design of the CMB Polarization Experiment Satellite LiteBIRD 2020
- Hyperspectral X-ray Imaging with TES Detectors for Nanoscale Chemical Speciation Mapping 2020
- On-Sky Performance of the SPT-3G Frequency-Domain Multiplexed Readout 2020
- Performance of Al-Mn Transition-Edge Sensor Bolometers in SPT-3G 2020
- Integration of a TES-based X-ray spectrometer in a kaonic atom experiment 2020
- Development of Space-Optimized TES Bolometer Arrays for LiteBIRD 2020
- Count Rate Optimizations for TES Detectors at a Femtosecond X-ray Laser 2020
- Expanding the Capability of Microwave Multiplexed Readout for Fast Signals in Microcalorimeters 2019
- Concept Study of Optical Configurations for High-Frequency Telescope for LiteBIRD 2018
- Design and Bolometer Characterization of the SPT-3G First-Year Focal Plane 2018
- Fabrication of Detector Arrays for the SPT-3G Receiver 2018
- Impact of Electrical Contacts Design and Materials on the Stability of Ti Superconducting Transition Shape 2018
- SPT-3G: A Multichroic Receiver for the South Pole Telescope 2018
- TES X-ray Spectrometer at SLAC LCLS-II 2018
- The LiteBIRD Satellite Mission: Sub-Kelvin Instrument 2018
- The POLARBEAR-2 and Simons Array Focal Plane Fabrication Status 2018
- Thermal Links and Microstrip Transmission Lines in SPT-3G Bolometers 2018
- Tuning SPT-3G Transition-Edge-Sensor Electrical Properties with a Four-Layer Ti-Au-Ti-Au Thin-Film-Stack 2018
- A Scalable Readout for Microwave SQUID Multiplexing of Transition-Edge Sensors 2018
- Fabrication of Superconducting Mo/Cu Bilayers Using Ion-Beam-Assisted e-Beam Evaporation 2016
- LiteBIRD: Mission Overview and Focal Plane Layout 2016
- The POLARBEAR-2 and the Simons Array Experiments 2016
- Developments in Time-Division Multiplexing of X-ray Transition-Edge Sensors 2016
- Developments in Time-Division Multiplexing of X-ray Transition-Edge Sensors (vol 184, pg 389, 2016) 2016
- Inter- and Intra-Granular Flux Pinning Properties in Ba(FeCoAs Superconductor in AC and DC Magnetic Fields 2015
- Flux Dynamics, ac Losses, and Activation Energies in (BaKFeAs Bulk Superconductor 2015
- Horn Coupled Multichroic Polarimeters for the Atacama Cosmology Telescope Polarization Experiment 2014
- The POLARBEAR Cosmic Microwave Background Polarization Experiment 2014
- The POLARBEAR-2 Experiment 2014
- A Study of Al-Mn Transition Edge Sensor Engineering for Stability 2014
- Large Area Transition Edge Sensor X-ray Microcalorimeters for Diffuse X-ray Background Studies 2014
- Narrow Line X-Ray Calibration Source for High Resolution Microcalorimeters 2014
- An All Silicon Feedhorn-Coupled Focal Plane for Cosmic Microwave Background Polarimetry 2012
- An Overview of the SPTpol Experiment 2012
- Flux-Ramp Modulation for SQUID Multiplexing 2012
- Multi-chroic Feed-Horn Coupled TES Polarimeters 2012
- Optical and Thermal Properties of ANL/KICP Polarization Sensitive Bolometers for SPTpol 2012
- TES bolometer array for the APEX-SZ camera 2008
- Electron-Phonon Anomaly Related to Charge Stripes: Static Stripe Phase Versus Optimally Doped Superconducting La1.85Sr0.15CuO4 2007
- Thermally induced losses in ultra-cold atoms magnetically trapped near room-temperature surfaces 2003
- Simplified system for creating a Bose-Einstein condensate 2003
- Superconductivity and Jahn-Teller polarons in titanates 2003
- Oxygen Phonon Branches in Detwinned YBa2Cu3O7 2003
- A Highly Linear Calibration Metric for TES X-ray Microcalorimeters 2017
- Design and Assembly of SPT-3G Cold Readout Hardware 2017
- LiteBIRD: A Satellite for the Studies of B-Mode Polarization and Inflation from Cosmic Background Radiation Detection 2017
- Mapping TES Temperature Sensitivity and Current Sensitivity as a Function of Temperature, Current, and Magnetic Field with IV Curve and Complex Admittance Measurements 2017
- Microstructure Analysis of Bismuth Absorbers for Transition-Edge Sensor X-ray Microcalorimeters 2017
- Optical Characterization of the SPT-3G Camera 2017
- Technique for Recovering Pile-Up Events from Microcalorimeter Data 2015
- Vortex lattice dynamics in a dilute gas BEC 2003
- Having it both ways: Distinguishable yet phase-coherent mixtures of Bose-Einstein condensates 1998