publication venue for
- An analytical model for the bending and reaction force of hygroscopic bilayers upon water adsorption 2025
- A non-isothermal breakage-damage model for plastic-bonded granular materials incorporating temperature, pressure, and rate dependencies 2024
- Shape morphing of 2D lattice structures from localized contra-rotations 2024
- Adhesive contact of an inflated circular membrane with curved surfaces 2023
- The shear contribution to the equation of state: A universal law for the elastic moduli of solids 2023
- Stiff bioinspired architectured beams bend Saint-Venant's principle and generate large shape morphing 2023
- A unified finite strain gradient-enhanced micropolar continuum approach for modeling quasi-brittle failure of cohesive-frictional materials 2022
- Effect of pore size distribution on sorption-induced deformation of porous materials: A theoretical study 2022
- 3D mechanics of scaled membranes 2022
- Physics and chemistry-based constitutive modeling of photo-oxidative aging in semi-crystalline polymers 2022
- Contact mechanics of inflated circular membrane under large deformation: Analytical solutions 2021
- Mechanics of shrinkage-swelling transition of microporous materials at the initial stage of adsorption 2021
- An analytical framework for locally resonant piezoelectric metamaterial plates 2020
- Strength and stability in architectured spine-like segmented structures 2019
- Generalized continuum model for the analysis of nonlinear vibrations of taut strings with microstructure 2019
- Definition and symmetry of averaged stress tensor in granular media and its 3D DEM inspection under static and dynamic conditions 2019
- Toughness by segmentation: Fabrication, testing and micromechanics of architectured ceramic panels for impact applications 2019
- Wave propagation in elastic metamaterial beams and plates with interconnected resonators 2018
- Bioinspired sutured materials for strength and toughness: Pullout mechanisms and geometric enrichments 2018
- Adhesion mechanics of graphene on textured substrates 2016
- Toughening of thin ceramic plates using bioinspired surface patterns 2016
- Wave propagation in undulated structural lattices 2016
- A continuum model for nonlinear lattices under large deformations 2016
- Rate dependent fracture of a double cantilever beam with combined bulk and interfacial dissipation 2015
- Wave propagation in periodically undulated beams and plates 2015
- On the elastic-wave imaging and characterization of fractures with specific stiffness 2015
- On large deformation granular strain measures for generating stress-strain relations based upon three-dimensional discrete element simulations 2015
- Wave propagation in multistable magneto-elastic lattices 2015
- Microstructural modeling of asphalt concrete using a coupled moisture-mechanical constitutive relationship 2014
- Dynamic interaction of a pile with a transversely isotropic elastic half-space under transverse excitations 2014
- A theory for grain boundaries with strain-gradient plasticity 2014
- Mechanics of fish skin: A computational approach for bio-inspired flexible composites 2014
- Buckling of rectangular and hexagonal honeycomb under combined axial compression and transverse shear 2013
- Vertical vibration of a rigid circular disc at the interface of a transversely isotropic bi-material 2013
- Axisymmetric membrane in adhesive contact with rigid substrates: Analytical solutions under large deformation 2012
- Constitutive modeling of fiber composites with a soft hyperelastic matrix 2012
- Folding of fiber composites with a hyperelastic matrix 2012
- A theoretical treatment on the mechanics of interfaces in deformable porous media 2011
- Floquet-Bloch decomposition for the computation of dispersion of two-dimensional periodic, damped mechanical systems 2011
- Three-dimensional dynamic Green's functions for a multilayered transversely isotropic half-space 2011
- On the mechanics of fishscale structures 2010
- On finite strain micromorphic elastoplasticity 2010
- A tri-material elastodynamic solution for a transversely isotropic full-space 2009
- Three-dimensional dynamic Green's functions in transversely isotropic bi-materials 2008
- Homogenization and equivalent in-plane properties of two-dimensional periodic lattices 2008
- Stresses in accreted planetary bodies 2008
- Perturbation methods for the analysis of the dynamic behavior of damaged plates 2006
- Design of patterned multilayer films with eigenstrains by topology optimization 2006
- Deformation rate effects on failure modes of open-cell Al foams and textile cellular materials 2006
- Dynamic buckling of periodically stiffened shells: application to supercavitating vehicles 2004
- Plane strain finite element analysis of pressure sensitive plasticity with strong discontinuity 2001
- A model for elastic-plastic pressure sensitive materials subjected to large deformations 1999
- Seismic soil-structure interaction analysis by direct boundary element methods 1999
- Static fundamental solutions for a bi-material full-space 1999
- Localization in hyperelasto-plastic porous solids subjected to undrained conditions 1998
- Time evolution of stress redistribution around multiple fiber breaks in a composite with viscous and viscoelastic matrices 1998
- Edge function analysis of glacier mechanics problems 1997
- Embedded localization band in undrained soil based on regularized strong discontinuity - Theory and FE-analysis 1996
- Effect of pore fluid compressibility on localization in elastic-plastic porous solids under undrained conditions 1996
- Elastodynamic Green's functions for a smoothly heterogeneous half-space 1996
- Parametrized variational principles encompassing compressible and incompressible elasticity 1992
- Parametrized variational principles for micropolar elasticity 1992