publication venue for
- bneR: A collaborative workflow for air pollution exposure modeling and uncertainty characterization using the Bayesian Nonparametric Ensemble 2025
- Supporting knowledge justice through community science air quality monitoring and a reciprocal reporting process 2024
- A multi-benefit framework for funding forest management in fire-driven ecosystems across the Western US 2023
- Predicting spatiotemporal soil organic carbon responses to management using EPIC-IIASA meta-models 2023
- Resisting-accepting-directing sea level rise on the Chesapeake Bay: Agricultural producers' motivations and actions 2023
- Impacts of livestock grazing on the probability of burning in wildfires vary by region and vegetation type in California 2022
- Lessons from bright-spots for advancing knowledge exchange at the interface of marine science and policy 2022
- PEMIP: Post-fire erosion model inter-comparison project 2020
- Developing ocean climate change indicators for the north-central California coast and ocean 2019
- Changing perceptions of protected area benefits and problems around Kibale National Park, Uganda 2017
- Water acquisition and use during unconventional oil and gas development and the existing data challenges: Weld and Garfield counties, CO 2016
- The effects of household management practices on the global warming potential of urban lawns 2015
- Unpacking the 'information barrier': Comparing perspectives on information as a barrier to climate change adaptation in the interior mountain West 2014
- Nitrogen critical loads for alpine vegetation and soils in Rocky Mountain National Park 2012
- The limitations of environmental management systems in Australian agriculture 2011
- An integrated approach to modeling resource utilization for rural communities in developing countries 2007
- Estimating recreational trout fishing damages in Montana's Clark Fork River basin: Summary of a natural resource damage assessment 2002
- Estimating the benefits and costs to mountain bikers of changes in trail characteristics, access fees, and site closures: choice experiments and benefits transfer 2002