publication venue for
- Sex Differences in US Adolescent and Young Adult Mortality 2024
- Mothers' Sexual Identity and Children's Health 2022
- Developing Health Lifestyle Pathways and Social Inequalities Across Early Childhood 2021
- Change in US Small Town Community Capitals, 1980-2010 2020
- Life Course Changes in Smoking by Gender and Education: A Cohort Comparison Across France and the United States 2017
- Life Course Changes in Smoking by Gender and Education: A Cohort Comparison Across France and the United States (vol 36, pg 309, 2017) 2017
- Educational Attainment and Mortality in the United States: Effects of Degrees, Years of Schooling, and Certification 2016
- Effects of Minority Status and Perceived Discrimination on Mental Health 2016
- Family Resources in Two Generations and School Readiness Among Children of Teen Parents 2015
- Examining Sexual Orientation Disparities in Unmet Medical Needs Among Men and Women 2014
- The Nonlinear Relationship Between Education and Mortality: An Examination of Cohort, Race/Ethnic, and Gender Differences 2013
- Nondrinker Mortality Risk in the United States 2013
- Do Rainfall Deficits Predict U.S.-Bound Migration from Rural Mexico? Evidence from the Mexican Census 2013
- A Sudden Transition: Household Changes for Middle Aged U.S. Women in the Twentieth Century 2012
- Investigating the Life Situations and Development of Teenage Mothers' Children: Evidence from the ECLS-B 2012
- Immigrants and the Spread of Tuberculosis in the United States: A Hidden Cost of Immigration 2011
- Environmental Change, Risky Sexual Behavior, and the HIV/AIDS Pandemic: Linkages Through Livelihoods in Rural Haiti 2011
- Providing Spatial Data for Secondary Analysis: Issues and Current Practices Relating to Confidentiality 2008
- Major league baseball career length in the 20th century 2007
- Household strategies in the face of resource scarcity in coastal Ghana: are they associated with development priorities? 2006
- Blowin' down the road: Investigating bilateral causality between dust storms and population in the Great Plains 2003
- Population and land use change in the California Mojave: Natural habitat implications of alternative futures 2003
- Gender equality and the sex differential in mortality from accidents in high income nations 2001
- Race/ethnic differences in respiratory problems among a nationally-representative cohort of young children in the United States 2001
- Adult mortality differentials associated with cigarette smoking in the USA 1998
- Comparing mortality estimates based on different administrative records 1997
- Changing causes of death and the sex differential in the USA 1993