publication venue for
- Team Justice as a Consequence of Demographic Faultlines: Climate Level and Strength 2024
- Emotional Labor Within Teams: Outcomes of Individual and Peer Emotional Labor on Perceived Team Support, Extra-Role Behaviors, and Turnover Intentions 2018
- Peer Justice and Teamwork Process 2011
- Effects of charismatic content and delivery on follower task performance - The moderating role of task charisma conduciveness 2008
- The benefits of justice for temporary workers 2007
- A Construct Validity Study of Commitment and Perceived Support Variables 2005
- A construct validity study of commitment and perceived support variables - A multifoci approach across different team environments 2005
- Procedural justice and personality testing - An examination of concern and typicality 2003
- Explaining the gender effects on faculty pay increases - Do the squeaky wheels get the grease? 2002
- Using social exchange theory to distinguish procedural from interactional justice 2002
- Disputant reactions to managerial conflict resolution tactics - A comparison among Argentina, the Dominican Republic, Mexico, and the United States 1999
- Reducing the threat of rater nonparticipation in 360-degree feedback systems - An exploratory examination of antecedents to participation in upward ratings 1997
- The role of organizational justice in pay and employee benefit satisfaction, and its effects on work attitudes 2000