publication venue for
- A Comparative Analysis of Influences on Choosing a Music Teaching Occupation 2019
- A Longitudinal Study of Preservice Music Teacher Development: Application and Advancement of the Fuller and Bown Teacher-Concerns Model 2013
- Career Influences of Music Education Audition Candidates 2013
- Motivational Constructs Influencing Undergraduate Students' Choices to Become Classroom Music Teachers or Music Performers 2012
- Assessment Practices of Secondary Music Teachers 2010
- Influences on Career Choice Among Music Education Audition Candidates: A Pilot Study 2010
- Surveying Colorado Band Directors' Opinions of Skills and Characteristics Important to Successful Music Teaching 2010
- The implications of developmentally appropriate practice for the kindergarten general music classroom 2004
- Developmentally appropriate practice in a Yamaha Music School 2000
- Philosophy and advocacy: An examination of preservice music teachers' beliefs 1999
- The Effect of Music Contest Format on Self-Concept, Motivation, Achievement, and Attitude of Elementary Band Students 1988
- The Effect of Music Contest Format on Self-Concept, Motivation, Achievement, and Attitude of Elementary Band Students 1988