publication venue for
- Assessing dimensions of thought disorder with large language models: The tradeoff of accuracy and consistency 2024
- Diurnal variation in anxiety and activity is influenced by chronotype and probable anxiety-related disorder status 2024
- Using automated syllable counting to detect missing information in speech transcripts from clinical settings 2022
- Extending the usefulness of the verbal memory test: The promise of machine learning 2021
- A Dynamic Method, Analysis, and Model of Short-Term Memory for Serial Order with Clinical Applications 2020
- The importance of loneliness in psychotic-like symptoms: Data from three studies 2019
- Updating verbal fluency analysis for the 21st century: Applications for psychiatry 2019
- The influence of stressful life events, psychopathy, and their interaction on internalizing and externalizing psychopathology 2019
- Moderation of the relationship between Toxoplasma gondii seropositivity and trait impulsivity in younger men by the phenylalanine-tyrosine ratio 2018
- Social relationships in young adults at ultra high risk for psychosis 2017
- Effect of adolescent substance use and antisocial behavior on the development of early adulthood depression 2016
- Familial risk and ADHD-specific neural activity revealed by case-control, discordant twin pair design. 2015
- Sleep impairment, mood symptoms, and psychosocial functioning in adolescent bipolar disorder 2012
- Large variability in smokers obscure the G×E effects on tobacco dependence 2010
- Aging and visual motion discrimination in normal adults and schizophrenia patients 2006
- Word production in schizophrenia and its relationship to positive symptoms 1999