publication venue for
- Key wording practices in three aphasia conversation groups: a preliminary study 2019
- Top-down and bottom-up treatment approaches compared in a single case of pure alexia 2019
- BangaSpeak: an example of app design for aphasia clients and SLP users 2016
- Facilitating Authentic Conversation: an intervention employing principles of constructivism and conversation analysis 2015
- Analysing speech problems in a longitudinal case study of logopenic variant PPA 2014
- Reading performance subsequent to aphasia: Strategies applied during authentic reading 2013
- Access and social inclusion in aphasia: Interactional principles and applications 2007
- Achieving conversational success in aphasia by focusing on non-linguistic cognitive WIN: A potentially promising new approach 2005
- The conversational value of laughter for a person with aphasia 2002
- Measuring transactional success in the conversation of people with aphasia 2002
- Qualitative methods in aphasia research: basic issues 1999
- Qualitative methods in aphasia research: conversation analysis 1999
- Qualitative methods in aphasia research: ethnography 1999
- Selective preservation of geographical and numerical information in a patient with severe anomia 1999
- Spontaneous verbal repetition: a social strategy in aphasic conversation 1998
- Reformulating the definition of compensatory strategies in aphasia 1997
- Evaluating the impact of practice conditions (randomized vs. blocked) and schedule (distributed vs. massed) on script training in aphasia. 2018