publication venue for
- There is No End to Learning, but How Does it Begin? A Meta-Analysis of the Team Learning Pathway 2025
- Through the Looking-Glass: The Impact of Regional Institutional Logics and Knowledge Pool Characteristics on Opportunity Recognition and Market Entry 2019
- Knowledge Worker Mobility in Context: Pushing the Boundaries of Theory and Methods 2018
- Exploring Environmental Entrepreneurship: Identity Coupling, Venture Goals, and Stakeholder Incentives 2016
- Do East Asians Respond More/Less Strongly to Organizational Justice Than North Americans? A Meta-Analysis 2009
- Expanding the tension-reduction model of work stress and alcohol use: Comparison of managerial and non-managerial men and women 2007
- Ownership types and strategic groups in an emerging economy 2004
- Explaining sales pay strategy using agency, transaction cost and resource dependence theories 2003