publication venue for
- Sustainable translanguaging pedagogy in support of the vulnerable language: honoring children's ways of 'Showing' and 'Telling' in an early childhood dual language bilingual education program 2023
- Identity and two-way bilingual education: considering student perspectives: introduction to the special issue 2023
- Translanguaging for varying discourse functions in sociodramatic play: an exploratory multiple case study of young emergent bilinguals 2022
- Bilingual parent engagement in a divided school community 2022
- The impact of older siblings on vocabulary learning in bilingual children 2021
- Speaking educacion in Spanish: linguistic and professional development in a bilingual teacher education program in the US-Mexico Borderlands 2019
- Educator language ideologies and a top-down dual language program 2017
- Changing teachers' perceptions about the writing abilities of emerging bilingual students: towards a holistic bilingual perspective on writing assessment 2012
- Leveraging bilingualism to accelerate English reading comprehension 2011
- A Dual Immersion Strand Programme in California: Carrying Out the Promise of Dual Language Education in an English-dominant Context 2007