publication venue for
- Grieving the ambiguous online: pregnancy loss, meaning making & celebrity on Twitter 2024
- "If I tweeted like that, it's entirely possible I'd get fired": sports journalists discourse of Jemele Hill versus Donald Trump 2024
- The blame game: how video evidence changes narratives of misogynistic violence in sports discourse 2023
- Who gets to speak? Sources in Covid-19 news coverage by Kenyan and Zimbabwean press 2023
- The Tyranny of openness: what happened to peer production? 2022
- "Newsrooms need the metoo movement." Sexism and the press in Kenya, South Africa, and Nigeria 2021
- The faces of local TV news in America: youth, whiteness, and gender disparities in station publicity photos 2018
- Kubra Gumusay, Muslim digital feminism and the politics of visuality in Germany 2016
- Discursive manoeuvres and hegemonic recuperations in New Zealand documentary representations of domestic violence 2003