publication venue for
- Ligand identification in CryoEM and X-ray maps using deep learning 2025
- Novel approach for parallelizing pairwise comparison problems as applied to detecting segments identical by decent in whole-genome data 2021
- svtools: population-scale analysis of structural variation 2019
- A generative model for the behavior of RNA polymerase 2017
- GeneEvolve: a fast and memory efficient forward-time simulator of realistic whole-genome sequence and SNP data 2017
- JSBML 1.0: providing a smorgasbord of options to encode systems biology models 2015
- Explicet: graphical user interface software for metadata-driven management, analysis and visualization of microbiome data 2013
- GROMACS 4.5: a high-throughput and highly parallel open source molecular simulation toolkit 2013
- Binary Interval Search: a scalable algorithm for counting interval intersections 2013
- SitePainter: a tool for exploring biogeographical patterns 2012
- PrimerProspector: de novo design and taxonomic analysis of barcoded polymerase chain reaction primers 2011
- iBioSim: a tool for the analysis and design of genetic circuits 2009
- THESEUS: maximum likelihood superpositioning and analysis of macromolecular structures 2006
- ConFind: a robust tool for conserved sequence identification 2005
- Detecting putative orthologs 2003