publication venue for
- A data-driven approach to approximate opacity verification 2023
- Abstraction-Based Synthesis of Controllers for Approximate Opacity 2023
- Data-Driven Synthesis of Safety Controllers for Partially-Observable Systems with Unknown Models 2023
- Online Learning of Effective Turbine Wind Speed in Wind Farms 2023
- Towards Trustworthy AI: Sandboxing AI-based Unverified Controllers for Safe and Secure Cyber-Physical Systems 2023
- Transfer Learning for Barrier Certificates 2023
- Automaton-Guided Control Synthesis for Signal Temporal Logic Specifications 2022
- Compositional Synthesis of Signal Temporal Logic Tasks via Assume-Guarantee Contracts 2022
- Data-Driven Stability Verification of Homogeneous Nonlinear Systems with Unknown Dynamics 2022
- Learning fixed-complexity polyhedral Lyapunov functions from counterexamples 2022
- Non-Gaussian Chance-Constrained Trajectory Control Using Gaussian Mixtures and Risk Allocation 2022
- A small-gain approach to ISS of infinite networks with homogeneous gain operators 2021
- Consensus-Based Value Iteration for Multiagent Cooperative Control 2021
- Construction of ISS Lyapunov functions for infinite networks of ISS systems 2021
- Safety Verification of Dynamical Systems via k-Inductive Barrier Certificates 2021
- Secure-by-Construction Controller Synthesis for Stochastic Systems under Linear Temporal Logic Specifications 2021
- Synergistic Offline-Online Control Synthesis via Local Gaussian Process Regression 2021
- Voronoi Progressive Widening: Efficient Online Solvers for Continuous State, Action, and Observation POMDPs 2021
- Compositional Construction of Abstractions for Infinite Networks of Switched Systems 2020
- Compositional Verification of Initial-State Opacity for Switched Systems 2020
- Construction of continuous abstractions for discrete-time time-delay systems 2020
- Control Barrier Functions for Unknown Nonlinear Systems using Gaussian Processes 2020
- Safety Verification of Unknown Dynamical Systems via Gaussian Process Regression 2020
- Secure-by-Construction Optimal Path Planning for Linear Temporal Logic Tasks 2020
- Abstraction-Based Synthesis of Opacity-Enforcing Controllers using Alternating Simulation Relations 2019
- Compositional Verification of Large-Scale Stochastic Systems via Relaxed Small-Gain Conditions 2019
- Convex Optimization over Sequential Linear Feedback Policies with Continuous-time Chance Constraints 2019
- Global Synchronization of Clocks in Directed Rooted Acyclic Graphs: A Hybrid Systems Approach 2019
- Verification of Switched Stochastic Systems via Barrier Certificates 2019
- A Fast Reference Governor for the Constrained Control of Linear Discrete-time Systems with Parametric Uncertainties 2018
- A Semismooth Predictor Corrector Method for Real-Time Constrained Parametric Optimization with Applications in Model Predictive Control 2018
- Compositional abstraction for interconnected systems over Riemannian manifolds: A dissipativity approach 2018
- Compositional abstraction for interconnected systems over Riemannian manifolds: A small-gain approach 2018
- Joint Actuator-sensor Design for Stochastic Linear Systems 2018
- Compositional Abstractions of Interconnected Discrete-Time Stochastic Control Systems 2017
- Compositional abstraction of interconnected control systems under dynamic interconnection topology 2017
- Computationally-Efficient Constrained Control of the State-of-Charge of a Li-ion Battery Cell 2017
- Distinguished Vector Fields over Smooth Manifolds with Applications to Ensemble Control 2017
- Infinite-step opacity of nondeterministic finite transition systems: A bisimulation relation approach 2017
- On the Invariance Feedback Entropy of Linear Perturbed Control Systems 2017
- Optimal Continuous State POMDP Planning with Semantic Observations 2017
- An Explicit Reference Governor for the Robust Constrained Control of Nonlinear Systems 2016
- Backstepping Design for Incremental Stability of Stochastic Hamiltonian Systems 2016
- Controlling a Rigid Formation from a Triangle 2016
- Littlewood-Offord Theory and Controllability of Random Structures 2016
- Periodic Behavior of a Diffusion Model over Directed Graphs 2016
- Symbolic Synthesis with Average Performance Guarantees 2016
- A Virtual Target Approach for Trajectory Optimization of a General Class of Constrained Vehicles 2015
- Construction of Approximations of Stochastic Control Systems: A Compositional Approach 2015
- Control of Euler-Lagrange systems subject to constraints: An Explicit Reference Governor approach 2015
- Counter-Example Guided Synthesis of Control Lyapunov Functions for Switched Systems 2015
- Dynamics of a Driven Stirling Engine 2015
- Compositional Approximations of Interconnected Stochastic Hybrid Systems 2014
- Finite Abstractions of Networked Control Systems 2014
- Iterative Computation of Polyhedral Invariants Sets for Polynomial Dynamical Systems 2014
- Reverse and Forward Engineering of Frequency Control in Power Networks 2014
- A Trajectory Splicing Approach to Concretizing Counterexamples for Hybrid Systems 2013
- Bisimilar finite abstractions of stochastic control systems 2013
- Coarse Resistance Tree Methods For Stochastic Stability Analysis 2013
- Equilibrium and Dynamics of Local Voltage Control in Distribution Systems 2013
- Fast Convergence in Semi-Anonymous Potential Games 2013
- A H-infinity Loopshaping Approach for Autonomous Bio-Inspired Visual Navigation in Three-Dimensional Urban Environments 2012
- Achieving Pareto Optimality Through Distributed Learning 2012
- Approximate Markovian abstractions for linear stochastic systems 2012
- Comparison of Feedforward and Model Predictive Control of Wind Turbines Using LIDAR 2012
- Computing minimum lap-time trajectories for a single-track car with load transfer 2012
- Constrained Motion Planning for Multiple Vehicles on SE(3) 2012
- Multi-Blade Coordinate and Direct Techniques for Asymptotic Disturbance Rejection in Wind Turbines 2012
- Trajectory Optimization for Vehicles in a Constrained Environment 2012
- A Lyapunov approach in incremental stability 2011
- Dynamics exploration and aggressive maneuvering of a Longitudinal Vectored Thrust VTOL aircraft 2011
- Least squares temporal difference actor-critic methods with applications to robot motion control 2011
- Lie Group Projection Operator Approach: Optimal Control on TSO(3) 2011
- Reachability Set Subspace Computation for Nonlinear Systems using Sampling Methods 2011
- Simultaneous Numerical Optimization for Data Association and Parameter Estimation 2011
- Dynamics exploration of a single-track rigid car model with load transfer 2010
- Impulse Optimization for Data Association 2010
- On Stability Analysis of Systems Featuring a Multiplicative Combination of Nonlinear and Linear Time-Invariant Feedback 2010
- Optimal Control on Non-Compact Lie Groups: A Projection Operator Approach 2010
- Towards backstepping design for incremental stability 2010
- A probabilistic approach for control of a stochastic system from LTL specifications 2009
- Analytical Reachability Results for a Class of Nonlinear Systems with Ellipsoidal Initial Sets 2009
- Development and Exploration of a Rigid Motorcycle Model 2009
- Metrics on the space of bounded Keplerian orbits and space situational awareness 2009
- On the Periodically Driven Inverted Pendulum 2009
- On the curvature of the trajectory manifold of nonlinear systems 2008
- Distributed minimum cost multicasting with lossless source coding and network coding 2007
- Distributed optimization in wireless networks using broadcast advantage 2007
- Dynamics of symplectic subvolumes 2007
- Optimization based rate control for multicast with network coding: A multipath formulation 2007
- A barrier function method for the optimization of trajectory functionals with constraints 2006
- Controlling the mobility of network nodes using decentralized extremum seeking 2006
- Globally optimal feedback control law of the underactuated Heisenberg system by generating functions 2006
- Model inversion architectures for settle time applications with uncertainty 2006
- Receding horizon control under uncertainty using optimal input design and the unscented transform 2006
- Formulation of a Hamiltonian Cauchy problem for solving optimal feedback control problems 2005
- Trajectory manifold exploration for the PVTOL aircraft 2005
- Using Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests to detect track-loss in the absence of truth data 2005
- Achievable motorcycle trajectories 2004
- Detecting track-loss for the probabilistic data association filter in the absence of truth data 2004
- Obstacle avoidance with sensor uncertainty for small unmanned aircraft 2004
- Quasi-steady state approximation of the dynamics of a planar motorcycle 2004
- Robust control of tape transport systems with no tension sensor 2004
- Stability analysis of an adaptive torque controller for variable speed wind turbines 2004
- Aggressive maneuvering of a thrust vectored flying wing: A receding horizon approach 2000
- Relaxing the optimality condition in receding horizon control 2000
- The trajectory manifold of a nonlinear control system 1998