publication venue for
- Incentivizing Survey Response: How Incentive Timing, Response Mode Choice, and Urbanicity Affect Survey Response 2020
- Analyzing The Dynamics of Social Networks by Combining Psychometric Measures with Social Network Analysis 2018
- Editorial 2017
- Characterizing post-disaster reconstruction training methods and learning styles 2016
- The effects of organizational divisions on knowledge-sharing networks in multi-lateral communities of practice 2015
- A tool for enhancing innovation in construction organizations 2013
- Encouraging knowledge sharing in engineering firms—part II: game theory analysis and firm strategies 2013
- Encouraging knowledge-sharing in engineering firms—part I: incentives, disincentives, and the impacts of firm context 2012
- Networks in engineering: an emerging approach to project organization studies 2012
- Knowledge-sharing connections across geographical boundaries in global intra-firm networks 2011
- Climate change: comparative impact on developing and developed countries 2011
- Engineering project organization: defining a line of inquiry and a path forward 2011