publication venue for
- Influences of lidar scanning parameters on wind turbine wake retrievals in complex terrain 2024
- Seasonal variability of wake impacts on US mid-Atlantic offshore wind plant power production 2024
- Grand challenges in the design, manufacture, and operation of future wind turbine systems 2023
- Investigating the physical mechanisms that modify wind plant blockage in stable boundary layers 2023
- Grand Challenges: wind energy research needs for a global energy transition 2022
- The sensitivity of the fitch wind farm parameterization to a three-dimensional planetary boundary layer scheme 2022
- Multifidelity multiobjective optimization for wake-steering strategies 2022
- Evaluation of obstacle modelling approaches for resource assessment and small wind turbine siting: case study in the northern Netherlands 2022
- Can reanalysis products outperform mesoscale numerical weather prediction models in modeling the wind resource in simple terrain? 2022
- Meso- to microscale modeling of atmospheric stability effects on wind turbine wake behavior in complex terrain 2022
- A reference open-source controller for fixed and floating offshore wind turbines 2022
- Mountain waves can impact wind power generation 2021
- Observations and simulations of a wind farm modifying a thunderstorm outflow boundary 2021
- Changing the rotational direction of a wind turbine under veering inflow: a parameter study 2020
- Automatic controller tuning using a zeroth-order optimization algorithm 2020
- Does the rotational direction of a wind turbine impact the wake in a stably stratified atmospheric boundary layer? 2020
- How wind speed shear and directional veer affect the power production of a megawatt-scale operational wind turbine 2020
- Continued results from a field campaign of wake steering applied at a commercial wind farm - Part 2 2020
- Wake steering optimization under uncertainty 2020
- The effect of wind direction shear on turbine performance in a wind farm in central Iowa 2020
- Hurricane eyewall winds and structural response of wind turbines 2020
- Uncertainty identification of blade-mounted lidar-based inflow wind speed measurements for robust feedback-feedforward control synthesis 2019
- System-level design studies for large rotors 2019
- Initial results from a field campaign of wake steering applied at a commercial wind farm - Part 1 2019
- An active power control approach for wake-induced load alleviation in a fully developed wind farm boundary layer 2019
- Assessing variability of wind speed: comparison and validation of 27 methodologies 2018
- Do wind turbines pose roll hazards to light aircraft? 2018
- Online model calibration for a simplified LES model in pursuit of real-time closed-loop wind farm control 2018
- Generating wind power scenarios for probabilistic ramp event prediction using multivariate statistical post-processing 2018
- Atmospheric turbulence affects wind turbine nacelle transfer functions 2017
- Optimization of wind plant layouts using an adjoint approach 2017
- Wind turbine power production and annual energy production depend on atmospheric stability and turbulence 2016
- Year-to-year correlation, record length, and overconfidence in wind resource assessment 2016