subject area of
- 3D spatially-adaptive canonical correlation analysis: Local and global methods Journal Article
- A computational language approach to modeling prose recall in schizophrenia Journal Article
- A preliminary study of functional abnormalities in aMCI subjects during different episodic memory tasks Journal Article
- A robust deep neural network for denoising task-based fMRI data: An application to working memory and episodic memory Journal Article
- Affective music during episodic memory recollection modulates subsequent false emotional memory traces: an fMRI study Journal Article
- Alzheimer's Disease Polygenic Scores Predict Changes in Episodic Memory and Executive Function Across 12 Years in Late Middle Age. Journal Article
- Association of baseline semantic fluency and progression to mild cognitive impairment in middle-aged men Journal Article
- Childhood Disadvantage Moderates Late Midlife Default Mode Network Cortical Microstructure and Visual Memory Association Journal Article
- Contributions of episodic retrieval and mentalizing to autobiographical thought: Evidence from functional neuroimaging, resting-state connectivity, and fMRI meta-analyses Journal Article
- Current understanding of fear learning and memory in humans and animal models and the value of a linguistic approach for analyzing fear learning and memory in humans Journal Article
- Increased inhibition and enhancement of memory retrieval are associated with reduced hippocampal volume Journal Article
- Multivariate group-level analysis for task fMRI data with canonical correlation analysis Journal Article
- Neural evidence for the contribution of holistic processing but not attention allocation to the other-race effect on face memory Journal Article
- On the Validity of the Autobiographical Emotional Memory Task for Emotion Induction Journal Article
- Periventricular and Deep Abnormal White Matter Differ in Associations With Cognitive Performance at Midlife Journal Article
- The Congruency Sequence Effect in a Modified Prime-Probe Task Indexes Response-General Control Journal Article