Diet, High-Fat
PubMed MeSh Term
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Association of high-fat diet with neuroinflammation, anxiety-like defensive behavioral responses, and altered thermoregulatory responses in male rats Journal Article
Central Amygdala Prepronociceptin-Expressing Neurons Mediate Palatable Food Consumption and Reward Journal Article
Effects of paternal high-fat diet and maternal rearing environment on the gut microbiota and behavior Journal Article
Glucocorticoids Mediate Short-Term High-Fat Diet Induction of Neuroinflammatory Priming, the NLRP3 Inflammasome, and the Danger Signal HMGB1 Journal Article
Healthy Aging Interventions Reduce Repetitive Element Transcripts Journal Article
High-fat diet and aging interact to produce neuroinflammation and impair hippocampal- and amygdalar-dependent memory Journal Article
High-fat diet consumption disrupts memory and primes elevations in hippocampal IL-1β, an effect that can be prevented with dietary reversal or IL-1 receptor antagonism Journal Article
High-fat diet, microbiome-gut-brain axis signaling, and anxiety-like behavior in male rats Journal Article
Influence of habitual high dietary fat intake on endothelium-dependent vasodilation Journal Article
Interleukin-37 treatment of mice with metabolic syndrome improves insulin sensitivity and reduces pro-inflammatory cytokine production in adipose tissue Journal Article
Sex differences in the effect of diet, obesity, and exercise on bone quality and fracture toughness Journal Article
The effect of a short-term low-carbohydrate, high-fat diet with or without postmeal walks on glycemic control and inflammation in type 2 diabetes: a randomized trial Journal Article
Variable responses of human and non-human primate gut microbiomes to a Western diet Journal Article
broader concept