subject area of
- A note on species richness and the variance of epidemic severity Journal Article
- Climate Change and the Emergent Epidemic of CKD from Heat Stress in Rural Communities: The Case for Heat Stress Nephropathy Journal Article
- Dynamics of beneficial epidemics Journal Article
- How host genetics dictates successful viral zoonosis Journal Article
- Hypergraph assortativity: A dynamical systems perspective Journal Article
- Parasite rearing and infection temperatures jointly influence disease transmission and shape seasonality of epidemics Journal Article
- Population-level differences in disease transmission: A Bayesian analysis of multiple smallpox epidemics Journal Article
- Test sensitivity is secondary to frequency and turnaround time for COVID-19 screening Journal Article
- The effect of heterogeneity on hypergraph contagion models Journal Article
- Wild animals suppress the spread of socially transmitted misinformation. Journal Article