subject area of
- Character displacement in the midst of background evolution in island populations ofAnolislizards: A spatiotemporal perspective Journal Article
- Clionid sponge surveys on the Florida Reef Tract suggest land-based nutrient inputs Journal Article
- Does ecological specialization transcend scale? Habitat partitioning among individuals and species of Anolis lizards Journal Article
- Enhanced DOC removal using anion and cation ion exchange resins Journal Article
- Estimating encounter rates as the first step of sexual selection in the lizard Anolis sagrei Journal Article
- Ethics and the psychiatric determination of competency to be executed. Journal Article
- Intra-ethnic diversity in Hispanic child mortality, 1890-1910 Journal Article
- Male and female Anolis carolinensis maintain their dimorphism despite the presence of novel interspecific competition Journal Article
- Maternal hurricane exposure and fetal distress risk. Journal Article
- Mercury(II) sorption to two Florida Everglades peats: Evidence for strong and weak binding and competition by dissolved organic matter released from the peat Journal Article
- Metallothionein-Like Multinuclear Clusters of Mercury(II) and Sulfur in Peat Journal Article
- Nitrogen Isotopic Records of Terrestrial Pollution Encoded in Floridian and Bahamian Gorgonian Corals Journal Article
- Predicting Reactive Intermediate Quantum Yields from Dissolved Organic Matter Photolysis Using Optical Properties and Antioxidant Capacity Journal Article
- Socioeconomic influences in patient assignment to PA or MD providers. Journal Article
- Temporal and spatial mapping of red grouper Epinephelus morio sound production Journal Article
- The effect of oxygen and adenosine on lizard thermoregulation Journal Article
- Treating those found incompetent for execution: ethical chaos with only one solution. Journal Article
- Use of Judicial Bypass of Mandatory Parental Consent to Access Abortion and Judicial Bypass Denials, Florida and Texas, 2018-2021 Journal Article