Intraneuronal amyloid precursor protein (APP) and appearance of extracellular beta-amyloid peptide (A beta) in the brain of aging kokanee salmon
Journal Article
publication date
- October 1, 2002
has subject area
- Aging
- Amyloidogenic Proteins - Amyloid beta-Peptides
- Amyloidogenic Proteins - Amyloid beta-Protein Precursor
- Animals
- Biochemical Phenomena - Brain Chemistry
- Biological Science Disciplines - Immunohistochemistry
- Biological Science Disciplines - Immunohistochemistry
- Cells - Neurons
- Chemistry - Immunohistochemistry
- Chemistry - Immunohistochemistry
- Diagnostic Techniques and Procedures - Immunohistochemistry
- Diagnostic Techniques and Procedures - Immunohistochemistry
- Female
- Histology - Immunohistochemistry
- Immunologic Techniques - Immunohistochemistry
- Investigative Techniques - Immunohistochemistry
- Investigative Techniques - Immunohistochemistry
- Male
- Membrane Proteins - Amyloid beta-Peptides
- Membrane Proteins - Amyloid beta-Protein Precursor
- Metabolism - Brain Chemistry
- Nervous System - Neurons
- Peptide Fragments
- Peptides - Amyloid beta-Peptides
- Protein Precursors - Amyloid beta-Protein Precursor
- Proteins - Amyloid beta-Protein Precursor
- Salmon
has restriction
- closed
Date in CU Experts
- March 13, 2015 12:01 PM
Full Author List
- Maldonado TA; Jones RE; Norris DO
author count
- 3
citation count
- 16
published in
- Developmental Neurobiology Journal
Other Profiles
International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)
- 0022-3034
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Additional Document Info
start page
- 11
end page
- 20
- 53
- 1