Behavior and Mechanisms of Doppler Wind Lidar Error in Varying Stability Regimes Journal Article uri icon



  • Abstract. Wind lidar are widespread and important tools in atmospheric observations. An intrinsic part of lidar measurement error is due to atmospheric variability in the remote sensing scan volume. This study describes and quantifies the distribution of measurement error due to turbulence in varying atmospheric stability. While the lidar error model is general, we demonstrate the approach using large ensembles of virtual WindcubeV2 lidar performing profiling doppler-beam-swinging (DBS) scans in quasi-stationary large-eddy simulations (LES) of convective and stable boundary layers. Error trends vary with the stability regime, time-averaging of results, and observation height. A systematic analysis of the observation error explains dominant mechanisms and supports the findings of the empirical results. Treating the error under a random variable framework allows for informed predictions about the effect of different configurations or conditions on lidar performance. Convective conditions are most prone to large errors, driven by the large vertical velocities in convective plumes and exacerbated by the high elevation angle of the scanning beams. The violations of the assumption of horizontal homogeneity due to filtered turbulent velocity variances dominate the error variance, with the vertical velocity variations of particular importance. Range gate weighting contributes little to the variability of the error, but induces an underestimating bias into the horizontal velocity near the surface shear layer. Error in the horizontal wind speed and direction computed from wind components is sensitive to the background wind speed but has negligible dependence on the relative orientation of the instrument. Especially during low winds and in the presence of large errors in the u and v velocity estimates, the reported wind speed is subject to a systematic positive bias. Vector time-averaged measurements can improve the behavior of the error distribution with a predictable effectiveness related to the number of decorrelated samples in the time window. The approach in decomposing the error mechanisms with the help of the LES flow field extends to more complex measurement scenarios and scans.;

publication date

  • March 9, 2022

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  • green

Date in CU Experts

  • March 15, 2022 8:58 AM

Full Author List

  • Robey R; Lundquist JK

author count

  • 2

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