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Publications in VIVO

Van Hoye, Allan Lyle

Teaching Assistant Professor/Government Information Librarian


Research Areas research areas



  • census, government information, access to information, civics



courses taught

  • FYXP 1500 - First Year Success Seminar
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2020 / Fall 2021
    Designed to assist first-year students with their successful transition to the University of Colorado Boulder. Students will learn about campus resources, goal setting, study skills, and academic exploration. Participation in class discussions, self reflection, and engagement in course assignments are essential in this course. This course will provide a supportive environment for new students to engage with peers, staff, and faculty to support the first eight weeks of the transition to college.
  • LIBR 3030 - Civic Engagement in a Changing Information Landscape
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2022 / Fall 2024
    With a 24 hour news cycle, political use of social media, and the growth of disinformation, being an informed citizen has become increasingly more important and difficult. With a practical approach on participation in government, students will research and discuss the United States political system, examine the current political climate, what it means to be a good digital citizen, and engage in opposing views.
