Classroom Instruction
Associated Departments
research area of
Aldama, Dulce,
Cultural Heritage Librarian,
University Libraries
Asirvatham, Margaret ,
Sr Instructor Emerita/Emeritus,
Berg, Margaret H,
College of Music
Biddy, Quentin L.,
Asst Research Professor,
Institute of Cognitive Science (ICS)
Boardman, Alison Gould,
Associate Professor,
School of Education
Braaten, Melissa,
Associate Professor,
School of Education
Broering, Ellen,
Teaching Assistant Professor,
Buchanan, Angela,
Teaching Associate Professor,
Student Academic Services Center
Bush, Jeffrey B.,
Asst Research Professor,
Institute of Cognitive Science (ICS)
Cartun, Ashley,
Teaching Assistant Professor,
School of Education
deGrazia, Janet ,
Teaching Professor,
Chemical and Biological Engineering
Ellis, Jay ,
Associate Teaching Professor,
Program for Writing and Rhetoric
Foley, Teresa E.,
Teaching Professor,
Integrative Physiology
Furtak, Erin Marie,
School of Education
Grulke, Boo,
Teaching Assistant Professor,
Gumina, Deena Alexandra,
Chair of Elementary Teacher Education,
School of Education
Hayworth, Gene,
Assoc Professor Emerita/Emeritus,
University Libraries
Hersh, Orly M,
Associate Teaching Professor,
Program for Writing and Rhetoric
Hollis, Deborah,
University Libraries
Hopewell, Sue Walsh,
Associate Professor,
School of Education
Jacobs, Jennifer Kay,
Assoc Research Professor,
Institute of Cognitive Science (ICS)
Jobe, Margaret M (Peggy),
Assoc Professor Emerita/Emeritus,
University Libraries
Ketels, Shaw L.,
Continuing Education & Professional Studies
Kiernan-Johnson, Derek Huntley,
Teaching Professor,
School of Law
Ko, Monica ,
Asst Research Professor,
Institute of Cognitive Science (ICS)
Leonardi, Bethy,
Associate Professor,
School of Education
Malcolm, Karen Gaston,
Teaching Assistant Professor,
Spanish and Portuguese
Matsunaga, Yumiko,
Teaching Professor,
Asian Languages and Civilizations
Myers, Seth G,
Teaching Associate Professor,
Program for Writing and Rhetoric
Nugent, Teresa,
Associate Teaching Professor,
Otero, Valerie K,
School of Education
Penuel, Bill,
Distinguished Professor,
Institute of Cognitive Science (ICS)
Perkins, Katherine K.,
Professor Attendant Rank, Sr Research Associate,
Pieplow, Kathryn,
Sr Instructor Emerita/Emeritus,
Program for Writing and Rhetoric
Potvin, Ashley Seidel,
Research Associate,
Renée Crown Wellness Institute
Pratt, Staci,
Teaching Assistant Professor and Head of Student Services and Outreach Librarian,
Law Library
Randall, Katie,
PostDoctoral Associate,
University Libraries
Rothman, Lillian M,
Schibli, Thomas R.,
Schiera, AJ,
Assistant Professor,
School of Education
Serreze, Mark C.,
Distinguished Professor,
Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES)
Shi, Jia,
Teaching Associate Professor,
Integrative Physiology
Soltys, Mike,
Teaching Professor,
College of Engineering and Applied Science
Staley, Sara,
Assistant Professor,
School of Education
Steinbrenner, Julie E.,
Faculty Fellow in the Stockman Family Faculty Fellowship,
College of Engineering and Applied Science
Van Hoye, Allan Lyle,
Teaching Assistant Professor/Government Information Librarian,
University Libraries
Webb, David C.,
Associate Professor,
School of Education
Werner, LJ,
Scholar In Residence,
Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences (SLHS)
Weston, Timothy J,
Sr Research Associate,
Young, Phoebe S. K.,
Zarske, Malinda Schaefer,
Teaching Professor,
College of Engineering and Applied Science