Chapter RDF
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- more...
- Late Quaternary structural evolution of the western margin of the Sierra Cucapa, Baja California Norte
- Late Woodland and Unassignable Components
- Latin America in the Spanish for Business Classroom: Sustainability and the Impact of Foreign Investment on Real Estate, Tourism and Community in Costa Rica
- Latin Lovers, Chismosas, and Gendered Discourses of Power: The Role of the Subjective Narrator in Jane the Virgin
- Latina Activism in the United States
- Latino Education in 20th Century America: A Brief History
- Latino Gender Gap
- Latino Musical Communities in New Mexico and Colorado
- Latinos/os (in) on the Border
- Latinx Indigeneities and Christianity.
- Lattice gauge theory beyond the Standard Model
- Lattice-Driven Ruthenates
- Laughing at the Other: Muslims in Italian Comedies
- Law and Literature
- Law and Order: The Role of the KMT Security Forces in the Suppression of the Communist Bases during the Soviet Period
- law and philosophy in the hyppereal
- Law and Policy Issues
- Law and Popular Culture, 1790-1920
- Law and Society in Latin America since 1800
- Law, Science, and the Ideology of Reproduction in the West
- Laws and Causal Relations
- Laws and Experiment
- Laws and Regulations Pertaining to Wetland Areas in the Intermountain West
- LC-MS. I: Basic principles and technical aspects of LC-MS for pesticide analysis
- LC-MS. II: Applications for pesticide food analysis
- LC-TOF-MS for the Identification of Environmental Metabolites and Degradation Products
- Le Japon et La Question de la Modernisation de la Peinture Chinoise
- Le Mouvement vers l’abolition universele de la peine de mort: le poit de vue actuel des Etats-Unis
- Le philosophe et ses masques: statut du visible et mise en scène de la sincérité chez Rousseau