Journal Article RDF
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- Managing Marine Protected Areas in Remote Areas: The Case of the Subantarctic Heard and McDonald Islands
- Managing Medically Unexplained Symptoms in Primary Care: A Narrative Review and Treatment Recommendations
- Managing microevolution: restoration in the face of global change
- Managing multi-species plant invasions when interactions influence their impact
- Managing Musculoskeletal Pain in Older Adults Through a Digital Care Solution: Secondary Analysis of a Prospective Clinical Study
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- Managing nonlinearity in strongly dispersion-managed optical pulse transmission
- Managing Patient Admissions in a Neurology Ward
- Managing population and drought risks using many-objective water portfolio planning under uncertainty
- Managing Power Dependence in Diversity Work at San Francisco Bay Area High-Growth Firms (2016-2020)
- Managing protectionism: American trade policy in the early Cold War
- Managing Public Communication Strategies in Accelerated Highway Construction Projects
- Managing Television News: A Handbook for Ethical and Effective Producing
- Managing the British empire: the Crown Agents, 1833-1914
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- Managing uncertainty in soil carbon feedbacks to climate change
- Managing Unconventional Oil and Gas Development as if Communities Mattered
- Managing United States Public Lands in Response to Climate Change: A View From the Ground Up
- Managing water quality impacts from drought on drinking water supplies
- Managing Your PhD Student Career: How to Prepare for the Job Market
- Mandated data archiving greatly improves access to research data
- Mandating indoor air quality for public buildings
- Maneuver Detection and Reconstruction of Stationkeeping Spacecraft at GEO using the Optimal Control-Based Estimator
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