Journal Article
Localization of types I, III and IV collagen mRNAs in rat heart cells by in situ hybridization.
Journal Article
Localization of ventral giant interneuron connections to the ventral median branch of thoracic interneurons in the cockroach.
Journal Article
Localization to, and Effects of Pbp1, Pbp4, Lsm12, Dhh1, and Pab1 on Stress Granules in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Journal Article
Localized and distributed creep along the southern San Andreas Fault
Journal Article
Localized Cenozoic erosion on the southern African Plateau: A signal of topographic uplift?
Journal Article
Localized eigenmodes of the overlap operator and their impact on the measurement of the topological susceptibility and the chiral condensate
Journal Article
Localized Enzymatic Degradation of Polymers: Physics and Scaling Laws
Journal Article
Localized Fairness in Recommender Systems
Conference Proceeding
Localized formulation of multi body systems
Conference Proceeding
Localized Gaussian wave packet methods for inelastic collisions involving anharmonic oscillators
Journal Article
Localized Heating of the Martian Topside Ionosphere Through the Combined Effects of Magnetic Pumping by Large-Scale Magnetosonic Waves and Pitch Angle Diffusion by Whistler Waves
Journal Article
Localized Hotspots Drive Continental Geography of Abnormal Amphibians on USWildlife Refuges
Journal Article
Localized Hybrid Simulation of Martian Crustal Magnetic Cusp Regions: Vertical Electric Potential Drop and Plasma Dynamics
Journal Article
Localized interface states in coherent isovalent semiconductor heterojunctions
Journal Article
Localized interface states in coherent isovalent semiconductor heterojunctions (vol 84, 125315, 2011)
Journal Article
Localized Ionization Hypothesis for Transient Ionospheric Layers
Journal Article
Localized ionization patches in the nighttime ionosphere of Mars and their electrodynamic consequences
Journal Article
Localized Magnetic-field Structures and Their Boundaries in the Near-Sun Solar Wind from Parker Solar Probe Measurements
Journal Article
Localized multi-dimensional optical pulses in non-resonant quadratic materials
Journal Article
Localized muscular fatigue duration, EMG parameters and accuracy of rapid limb movements
Journal Article
Localized nonlinear edge states in honeycomb lattices
Journal Article
Localized Oscillatory Energy Conversion in Magnetopause Reconnection
Journal Article
Localized parallel electric fields associated with inertial Alfven waves
Journal Article
Localized recording approaches and phase metrology for holographic storage
Conference Proceeding
Localized recording approaches and phase metrology for holographic storage
Conference Proceeding
Localized recording approaches and phase metrology for holographic storage (Invited Paper)[6620-06]
Conference Proceeding
Localized soft elasticity in liquid crystal elastomers
Journal Article
Localized surfaces of three-dimensional topological insulators
Journal Article
Localized targeting of biomaterials following myocardial infarction: A foundation to build on
Journal Article