Chapter RDF
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- more...
- Physiology of muscle activation and force generation
- Picosecond Vibrational Dephasing Experiments in Liquids Under High Laser Depletion Conditions
- Picturing Genocide in German Consumer Culture, 1904–1910
- Piety
- Piezoelectric Superlattices and Shunted Periodic Arrays as Tunable Periodic Structures and Metamaterials
- Piman Song Syntax: Its Historical Significance
- Pink Morton's Theater, Black Vaudeville, and the TOBA
- Pipá: Maniqueísmo, ironía, y tragedia en un relato de Leopoldo Alas
- Place, Change, Status, and Politics: Concluding Considerations
- Plagiarisim in Book II of Leonardo Fioravanti’s ’Dello specchio della scientia universale’
- Planetary magnetic fields and climate evolution
- Planetary Magnetospheres
- Planetary Magnetospheres and the Interplanetary Medium
- Planetary Rings
- Planning ahead
- Plant Competition and Facilitation in Systems with Strong Environmental Gradients
- Plant Diversity
- Plant Influences on Atmospheric Chemistry
- Plant nutrient relations
- Plant population viability and metapopulation-level processes
- Plant Species Fed on by Lemur catta in Gallery Forests of the Southern Domain of Madagascar
- Plasma and magnetic field variations in the distant magnetotail associated with near-earth substorm effects
- Plastic Military Mythology: Hypercommercialism and Hasbro’s ; G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero
- Plastic: So Great, So Awful — Some New Directions
- Platforms for Genetic Design Automation
- Plato and Aristotle on the Unhypothetical
- Plato's Theaetetus
- Platonic and Stoic Powers
- Play on white: The intimate politics of BeLonging
- Playing for Change: International Development and Digital Games.