Conference Proceeding RDF
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- From Crowdsourced Mapping to Community Mapping: The Post-Earthquake Work of OpenStreetMap Haiti
- From Crowdsourcing Technology Design to Participatory Design and Back Again!
- From Dissipativity Theory to Compositional Construction of Finite Markov Decision Processes
- From dissipativity theory to compositional synthesis of symbolic models
- From fields to fuels: Setting the target for oxygenates in liquid fuels
- From HCI to HCI-Amusement: Strategies for Engaging what New Technology Makes Old
- From Iberia to Chukotka: assessing dental morphological variation across Eurasia
- From Initial to Late Stages of Epitaxial Thin Film Growth: STM Analysis and Atomistic or Coarse-Grained Modeling
- From Lattice Strong Dynamics to Phenomenology
- From Megaparsecs to Milliparsecs: Modeling the Environments of Supermassive Black Holes with Cosmological Simulations
- From Monadic Second-Order Definable String Transformations to Transducers
- From Paucity to Plenitude: Linking Hominin Diet, Habitat, and Nutrition
- From Provenance to Aberrations: Image Creator and Screen Reader User Perspectives on Alt Text for AI-Generated Images
- From QCD to Physical Resonances
- From quantified self to building a more fit community: Data tracking and science infographics as boundary objects
- From relative to absolute: optical phase measurement and control in ultrashort pulses
- From Rocket Engines to Exoplanets: Dual Frequency Comb Spectroscopy of High Temperature and Pressure Lineshapes in Support of Extreme Environment Diagnostics
- From Satellite-based global flood mapping to local end-user support
- From Statistical Model Checking to Statistical Model Inference: Characterizing the Effect of Process Variations in Analog Circuits
- From Studio Space and Makerspace to Workplace: Adapting Instruction and Outreach to Fit the Needs of Practitioners from Art to Engineering
- From templates to variational FIC
- From the Antarctic to the Arctic: An expeditionary approach to the environmental chemistry and reactivity of dissolved organic matter
- From The Art of Reflection to The Art of Noticing: A Shifting View of Self-Tracking Technologies' Role in Supporting Sustainable Food Practices
- From the Electromagnetic Power of Lightning on Earth to Lightning-Generated Whistlers in Space
- From the ground up: Building a teacher educator knowledge base from the situated knowledges of emerging, equity-minded teacher educators
- From the prison to the street: Finding gang and non-gang members in the free world
- From three to five dimensions: Design heuristics for science assessments that elicit interest and identity
- From Tools to Communities: Designs to Support Online Creative Collaboration in Scratch
- From Visual Prototypes of Action to Metaphors Extending the IMAGACT Ontology of Action to Secondary Meanings