Conference Proceeding RDF
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- Modeling H-2 Fluorescence in Planetary Atmospheres with Partial Frequency Redistribution
- Modeling heterogeneities and elastic anisotropy in single crystal zinc and carbon fiber epoxy composites
- Modeling heterogeneous ClNO2 formation, chloride availability, and chlorine cycling in Southeast Texas
- Modeling Human Mental States with an Entity-based Narrative Graph
- Modeling interface discontinuities and boundary conditions for a dispersion-optimized finite-difference time-domain method
- Modeling interplanetary coronal mass ejections
- Modeling Laser Wakefield Accelerators in a Lorentz Boosted Frame
- Modeling linear and nonlinear inductive effects in superconducting planar circuits
- Modeling lipid-encapsulated microbubbles using transient network theory
- Modeling Low-Cost Hybrid Tandem Photovoltaics with Power Conversion Efficiencies Exceeding 20%
- Modeling molecular hydrogen emission in M dwarf exoplanetary systems
- Modeling of a Clean Hybrid Energy System Considering Practical Limitations for Techno-Economic Energy Analysis
- Modeling of a multi-tube solar reactor for hydrogen production at high temperatures
- Modeling of a Multitube High-Temperature Solar Thermochemical Reactor for Hydrogen Production
- Modeling of AoI Minimization for (m,k)-Firm Streams in 5G Networks
- Modeling of Capacitor Voltage Imbalance in Flying Capacitor Multilevel DC-DC Converters
- Modeling of Cascaded Phase Sensing in Optical Fiber Using Squeezed Light
- Modeling of cross-regulation in converters containing coupled inductors
- Modeling of cross-regulation in multiple-output flyback converters
- Modeling of Electron Energy Phenomena in Hypersonic Flows
- Modeling of Electronic Excitation in Weakly Ionized Nitrogen Mixtures
- Modeling of Electronically Excited Oxygen in O2-Ar Shock Tube Studies
- Modeling of Emission Spectra in Nonequilibrium Plasmas for Testing Pyrolyzing Ablators
- Modeling of high-power-factor rectifiers based on switching converters with nonlinear-carrier control
- Modeling of homogeneous nucleation in the free troposphere and comparison with GLOBE-2 data
- Modeling of Interference from Cooperative Cognitive Radios for Low Power Primary Users
- Modeling of Non-equilibrium Radiation for CO2-N2 Gas Mixtures
- Modeling of nonlinear structural joints via experimental-analytical localized flexibility identification
- Modeling of optoacoustic signal generation for high resolution near-surface imaging with experimental verification