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- CHIN 3371 - Topics in Chinese Film
- CHIN 3372 - Chinese Media and the Environment
- CHIN 4042 - Readings in Classical Chinese
- CHIN 4110 - Advanced Readings in Modern Chinese 1
- CHIN 4120 - Advanced Readings in Modern Chinese 2
- CHIN 4210 - Introduction to Classical Chinese
- CHIN 4220 - Readings in Classical Chinese
- CHIN 4950 - Honors Thesis
- CHIN 5010 - Sinological Methods
- CHIN 5030 - Readings in Pre-Modern Chinese Literary Theory
- CHIN 5042 - Readings in Classical Chinese
- CHIN 5070 - Graduate Academic Writing
- CHIN 5120 - History of Literature through the Ninth Century
- CHIN 5130 - History of Chinese Literature from the Tenth to the Nineteenth Century
- CHIN 5210 - Ancient Prose
- CHIN 5280 - Topics in Ancient Literature
- CHIN 5410 - Medieval Prose
- CHIN 5420 - Medieval Poetry
- CHIN 5430 - Medieval Thought and Religion
- CHIN 5480 - Topics in Medieval Literature
- CHIN 5630 - Early Modern Fiction
- CHIN 5680 - Topics in Early Modern Literature
- CHIN 5750 - Daoism
- CHIN 5810 - Modern Literature
- CHIN 5820 - Contemporary Literature
- CHIN 5830 - History of Chinese Film
- CHIN 5890 - Topics in Chinese Film
- CHIN 5980 - Practical Issues in Chinese Language Pedagogy
- CINE 1002 - Film Analysis for Non-Majors
- CINE 1502 - Introduction to Cinema Studies