Conference Proceeding RDF
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- Touching Information with DIY Paper Charts & AR Markers
- Touching the Interior Structure and Dynamics of Our Nearest Star
- Touchless Electrostatic Detumble of a Representative Box-and-Panel Spacecraft Configuration
- Touchless Potential Sensing Model For Active Spacecraft Charging Scenarios
- Touchless potential sensing of complex differentially-charged shapes using secondary electrons
- Touchless Potential Sensing of Complex Differentially-Charged Shapes Using X-Rays
- Touchless Spacecraft Potential Sensing Using Energetic Electron Beams And Active Photoemission,
- Touchless Time-Varying Electrostatic Potential Sensing in Orbit: Fusion of X-ray and Electron Methods
- Touchplates
- Tough times don't last, tough lemurs do: Using delta C-13 and delta N-15 to examine the responses of Lemur catta to natural disasters at the Beza Mahafaly Special Reserve
- Toward 3D-Printed Movable Tactile Pictures for Children with Visual Impairments
- Toward a Characterization of Loss Functions for Distribution Learning
- Toward a Cognitive Theory of Creativity Support
- Toward a first-principles integrated simulation of tokamak edge plasmas
- Toward a More Comprehensive Understanding of Visualization Literacy
- Toward a Non-Intrusive, Physio-Behavioral Biometric for Smartphones
- Toward a signaling theory of disengagement from gangs
- Toward an Architecture for Subalpine Forest Monitoring Using Commercial Off-the-Shelf Unmanned Aircraft Systems and Sensors
- Toward an Autonomous Airborne Scientist for Studying Severe Local Storms
- Toward an Autonomy Architecture for sUAS Network-Enabled Planning in the Cloud
- Toward an Emergent Theory of Broadening Participation in Computer Science Education
- Toward an Information Service View of an Enterprise.
- Toward an Information Systems Ontology
- Toward an Integrated View of Management Control of Foreign Sourcing Relationships.
- Toward an outcomes-based approach to RDM: Experiences from the CU Boulder Center for Research Data and Digital Scholarship
- Toward Automated Feedback on Teacher Discourse to Enhance Teacher Learning
- Toward Better Water Transfers in Colorado and Cumulative Cost Avoidance
- Toward Better Water Transfers in Colorado and Cumulative Cost Avoidance
- Toward Creating a General Ontology for Research Validity