Journal Article
Climate Change Justice
Climate change mitigation through intensified pasture management: Estimating greenhouse gas emissions on cattle farms in the Brazilian Amazon
Climate Change Mitigation, Adaptation, and Resilience: Challenges and Opportunities for the Control Systems Community
Climate change or climate regimes? Examining multi-annual variations in the frequency of precipitation extremes over the Argentine Pampas
Climate change perception among Spanish undergraduates. A reception study on the combination of the local, global, gain and loss frames
Climate Change Projections in CESM1(CAM5) Compared to CCSM4
CLIMATE CHANGE Rethinking the sea-ice tipping point
Climate change risks to US infrastructure: impacts on roads, bridges, coastal development, and urban drainage
CLIMATE CHANGE Saying goodbye to glaciers
Climate change scenarios in fisheries and aquatic conservation research
Climate Change Study via the Centennial Trend of Climate Factors
CLIMATE CHANGE Threatening the vigor of the Colorado River
CLIMATE CHANGE Tracking Earth's Energy
Climate change will lead to pronounced shifts in the diversity of soil microbial communities
Climate change, behavior, and the possibility of spillover effects: recent advances and future directions
Climate change, ecosystems and abrupt change: science priorities
Climate Change, Extinction Risks, and Reproduction of Terrestrial Vertebrates
Climate Change, Growth and Infrastructure Investment: The Case of Mozambique
Climate change, human health, and resilience in the Holocene
Climate change-induced increases in precipitation are reducing the potential for solar ultraviolet radiation to inactivate pathogens in surface waters
Climate change: comparative impact on developing and developed countries
Climate change: Projections and implications to building energy use
Climate control of terrestrial carbon exchange across biomes and continents
Climate controls over ecosystem metabolism: insights from a fifteen-year inductive artificial neural network synthesis for a subalpine forest
Climate Data Guide Spurs Discovery and Understanding
Climate denier, skeptic, or contrarian?
Climate disequilibrium dominates uncertainty in long-term projections of primary productivity
Climate driven coevolution of weathering profiles and hillslope topography generates dramatic differences in critical zone architecture
Climate Drives Episodic Conifer Establishment after Fire in Dry Ponderosa Pine Forests of the Colorado Front Range, USA
Climate drives long-term change in Antarctic Silverfish along the western Antarctic Peninsula