Conference Proceeding RDF
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- Using Biography to Support Pre-Service Science and Engineering Teachers Learning about Engineering Practices and Habits of Mind
- Using Bipartite Anomaly Features for Cyber Security Applications
- Using bulk heterojunction field effect measurements to understand charge transport in solar cell materials
- Using combined SPICE-FDTD simulation to model high-speed systems
- Using concept hierarchies to enhance user queries in web-based information retrieval
- Using custom interactive video prelab activities in a large introductory lab course
- Using custom interactive video prelab activities in a large introductory lab course
- Using dark matter accurate mass to discover NDMA precursors in wastewater
- Using Data to Mitigate Bias in Engineering Faculty Career Outcomes
- Using Decision Diagrams to Compactly Represent the State Space for Explicit Model Checking
- Using deep learning to automatically detect talk moves in teachers'mathematics lessons
- Using digital game as clinical screening test to detect color deficiency in young children
- Using Digital Pens for Maternal Labor Monitoring: Evaluating the PartoPen in Kenya
- Using eigenpattern analysis to constrain seasonal signals in southern California
- Using electron microprobe techniques to illuminate anomalous fault behavior in the deep crust
- Using energetic electrons to probe the topology of the October 18-20, 1995 magnetic cloud
- Using Enhanced Simulation Environments to Accelerate Reinforcement Learning for Long-Duration Satellite Autonomy
- Using Family Consultation (FAMCON) to Prevent Type 2 Diabetes: A Pilot Study to Alter Communal Coping
- Using first-principle calculations to tune the superoxide production by 1,2-H-atom shift
- Using fMRI Scans for Predicting Anhedonia, and Identifying Reward Related Brain Regions
- Using fMRI to Explain the Effect of Dual-Task Interference on Security Behavior
- Using fMRI to Measure Stimulus Generalization of Software Notification to Security Warnings
- Using fNIRS brain sensing in realistic HCI settings
- Using fNIRS Brain Sensing in Realistic HCI Settings: Experiments and Guidelines
- Using fNIRS To Understand Adults' Empathy for Children in AI and Cybersecurity Scenarios
- Using genetic correlations and polygenic risk prediction to analyze shared genetics between sleep deficits and cannabis use behaviors
- Using Genomic Structural Equation Modeling to Test the Validity of Latent Factor Models
- Using Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests to detect track-loss in the absence of truth data